
Gwen's POV

Once at the hospital, I was conflicted between leaving the place and forgetting I ever knew him, just living my life normally, or staying there and waiting to know how he was doing.

My mind made me opt for the second one. I could never sleep peacefully thinking he may have had a complication and died. Or lost the movements of his legs. Or something of the sort. Yes, I am dramatic, sometimes. But.. What can I do? That is just the way I am.

Brandon came walking in my direction and I, who was sitting on the chair of the waiting room, got up to listen to the news. 'Please, good news!'.

"How 's him?" I asked and anxiety was all over my voice and I suspected, on my face. Brandon on the other hand, seemed quite... neutral. Damn! I could read nothing!

"He is stable. No broken bones. He just hurt his head and we are running some tests to know if there is any complication." He said and I sighed in relief. At least that.

"Oh, good. Well, I'll get going." I said, shrugging and getting my purse from the chair beside me.

"Aren't you going to wait for him to wake so you both can talk?" He asked with something strange in his eyes. Something I could not understand but then, I didn't want to.

"Why would I do that?" I asked, confused. "Ethan and I are no friends. I just helped someone I saw on the street, that's it."

"Ah, I see." He answered with a serious look. I didn't understand why he was looking at me that way. Was he disappointed? He could not be expecting me to be, after all those years, like the little puppy I used to be, right?

"Anyways, bye." I waved at him and got out of that hospital.

Ethan and I didn't divorce on good terms, so, it was only natural that after we signed the papers, we never talked to each other ever again. If not for this unfortunate event of today, we would have never exchanged another word in our lives. And, by the way, why didn't Brandon call Darla? 'She must be with the kid', my brain reminded me. Yeah, true. How could I forget about it? I had to push those thoughts away. Nothing against the kid, but… it reminded me of how unfaithful Ethan had been.

I had to get a taxi back to where my car was left. When I got there, I saw Ethan's car, of course, and wondered if he or Brandon or any of them would ask for a tow, but, I had to remind myself again, it was none of my business. If that car stayed there forever, again, I had nothing to do with that. My problem was being too nosy and getting myself into trouble. Not that time, baby.

I drove to my old apartment. The same one I used to live with my mother by the time I got married. She passed away two years after I tied the knots with the Lennox family. The place was big enough and, as much as I was not rich, I could still afford the place. That was one of the last properties of my family. After my grandfather died, my father sold the company and ran with the money to God knows where. Since then, no news about him.

The moment I got inside the place, I went to the bathroom, because I definitely needed a hot and relaxing bath. I had a fucking ulucky day and I wanted to wash it all off me. I arrived the day before and had seen no one yet. I was planning on meeting Janet tonight. She is my bestie and works in the fashion industry. I, on the other hand, work as a biochemist. My family is - or better, was - from that line of work and that was how I met Janet.

My phone rang and I just knew it was her.

"Heeeey!" She said, with that voice that made me feel home.

"Hey, Jan." I answered, giving her my best voice. She didn't need to know, yet, that I was already not in the mood. "So, what time tonight?"

"I'm coming to your place right now." I heard the bell ringing. "Come, answer the door."

I sighed. Janet was just… Janet! I went to the door, holding the towel around my body.

"Come inside." I said without opening the whole door. What if someone passed behind her?

"Oh, please… Why are you hiding?" She said and got in. The concierge, as it seems, knew her and granted her passing without calling me on the intercom first.

"I am almost naked, woman. Just get in!" I hissed and she closed the door behind her.

Before I could say anything, she was hugging me.

"Ooh, I missed you so much!!"

"Ouch! Jan, we met each other two weeks ago…" She visited me in Germany. She always did. The only one who did.

"I know! But two weeks is too much!" She went to my bedroom and started to look into my clothes. "Where are your clothes?"

"You're looking at them. The ones inside the suitcase are more for home."

"Are you for real?" she asked with a scornful tone. "It is official. We are going shopping right now. Good thing I came to help you out."

"No! Jan… We are just going to eat something. I don't need to be all fancy." I told her. I never liked to be all dolled up, like her. I think she is pretty and all, but I don't have time or patience to do the same.

She shook her head and threw a dress at me.

"Put it on and we're leaving in a few minutes. It is good… we can get ready together at the saloon." She said and went to the living room. We were so different from each other, but still, she was the best friend I could ever have.

I did as she asked and soon, we were inside her car, on our way to the mall. I was so NOT into it…

We visited a few stores in the last hour and I was just tired. I thought that finding one dress was enough, but she said she wanted to make sure I was going to have 'munition' for the next time we would hang out at night. Sometimes I just wanted to cry.

"Please, that's enough, Jan. I am not as rich as before, you know…

She made a face.

"I'll pay for it, don't worry." She said and took a green dress out of the rack and placed it in front of me.

"No, no way!"

"Shh! We're friends. That's what friends do." She said and I didn't want to argue. I just had to say 'no' to each and every piece of cloth she was going to try to make me say 'that one'.In the end, it didn't work as I planned, because she bought whatever she thought would 'look great on me'.

We decided to go eat something, but just as we were leaving the store, I saw a face I wish I had never known before. Darla.