
"Wow, I didn't know you liked coffee so much!" Gwen said, after Johnatan had three cups of its during the hour they were there, talking.

"Let me share a secret with you." he said, speaking low and getting his face closer to hers, looking around and finally speaking. "This is my source of power."

He nodded and got back to sit straight on his seat.

"No way!" She said, smiling.

"Shhh!" He looked around again. "Someone might hear you."

They both laughed.

"Well, Mr. Lestrange, thank you for your company and for saving a damsel in distress." She said, referring to Ethan. "But I need to go. I have to work."

"Work? Why?" he asked, making a face. "I pay you double."

She smiled.

"Thank you, but I can't let those people down."

"Oh…" he pressed his lips in a thin line. "That money cannot buy, indeed."

"Indeed." She laughed and got up, holding her hand for him to shake it. "Thank you, I had a great time, Mr. Lestrange."

"Oh, no! Not 'Mr. Lestrange', please!" he said, pronouncing his name as if he was mocking himself. "Call me Johnny."

"Ah…" Gwen started to say. She was not used to call strangers by their first names.

"Please." He said and offered such a warm smile that she could not say 'no'.

"Ok. Johnny." she said, then. he shook her hand and got up as well. They had already paid for the bill, for his unhappiness, she insisted on paying her part.

"I would like to ask you something," he said. "I know we hardly know each other, but… I would like to keep talking to you. Do you mind if we exchange phone numbers or if I add you on any social media?" He asked.

That was not what Gwen had in mind. She was just too angry with Ethan and accepted the man's offer. She didn't really care if they were or were not friendly. Except for Brandon, the other guys were not mean to her. Now, that stranger wanted to keep in touch and she was about to deny his request, but then, why not? She was single, and maybe, it would be good to have a different friend. What if Janet liked him?

"Sure." she answered and opened the message app she used and showed him the QR code.

"Thanks, Gwen. May I call you that?" He asked and she nodded. "Good. So, Gwen, see you later. have a nice day at work."

"Thanks! I wish you the same."

Johnatan kept looking at her until she was gone. He smiled. He approached Ethan just to mess with him, but in the end, that turned out just fine! He not only met the man's ex-wife, but also became acquainted with her.

'And maybe, something more', he thought. She was very beautiful. It just proved him something: Ethan Lennox was a moron.


Ethan was having an awful day. First, he met Gwen, then Lestrange. That was already a bad thing, but, what could he expect of a day when he couldn't sleep, having nightmares with that damn woman?

Now, he was in that endless meeting, hungry and Mr. Flint wouldn't stop talking. And since Ethan couldn't concentrate anymore, it was like the man was just babbling about nonsensical things.

"Mr. Lennox, what do you think, sir?"

Ethan was taken aback by the question. He had no idea what Flint just said, so, when the man talked to him, he was speechless.

"Ah…" he frowned his brows. "I think we need a break."

Everybody in the room, except for Mr. Flint, didn't like. Everybody was tired of the man's nonstop talking.

"Thank God you stopped him." Jared Sullivan said. "That is why you are my favorite best friend."

Ethan looked at the dark haired man and rolled his eyes.

"Let's eat something."

"Wow… look who is in a bad mood!" Jared said and followed Ethan. "What happened? A woman took your sleep away?"

Jared started to laugh, for he was joking. Ethan was not a womanizer. When his friend didn't respond to that, Jared stopped laughing and looked at Ethan, wide eyes.

"Shut up." Ethan said.

"Holy sh… really? Come on, tell me. Who is she?" Jared winked. "Is it Darla?"

By the dangerous look Ethan gave him, Jared knew Darla was not the right shot.

"You know I have nothing to do with her."

"I have never seen you in such a bad mood since Gwen Hoffmann signed the divorce papers and left the country."

They were entering the elevator and Ethan looked at Jared as if the man had said something that made no sense at all.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"What do you mean? Don't you remember? You were so angry, so pissed, you were the worst company one could have. You spent days complaining about how she left you. How inconsiderate the 'bitch' was."

"I didn't do that…" Ethan denied, but Jared nodded.

"Yes, you did. Well, I know it must have been hard on you. She used to deal with the whole house and, from day to night, you had to do things yourself, since you were not into having a maid." Jared said. "SHE was your maid."

"She was not my maid." Ethan said through gritted teeth. "She was my wife."

"That you treated like a maid." Jared said. "I ain't judging you. You told me she was a horrible person, but anyway. In this matter of running a house, she did a great job. I beg the Heavens to send me a wife just like that, the day I have to get married."

Jared's family was insisting on having him marry.

Ethan was not into talking about Gwen. Gwen, Gwen, Gwen! Why was everybody so interested in talking about her?

They left the building and Ethan was just turning left, to go eat in the restaurant at the corner, when Jared poked him in the ribs.

"Isn't that Gwen? Why is she with him?"

Ethan looked in the direction Jared was gazing and he went pale. Gwen and Johnatan…