Chapter 14 : Evolution

Hello, this is yuko again. I just woke up on the sofa, i was woken up by Lisa who asked to cook something because she was hungry. "You can asked me to cook." Mona was appear and she pinched Lisa's cheek. Right, because right now Mona and Lisa were staying in my place but for how long. There is someone knocking my door and when i opened it, it was Mili, Lili, and Erina. Looks like they know that Mona and Lisa are staying at my place.

The other girls seems jealous because Mona and Lisa were staying here and Erina gives them an idea. "Why don't you two stay at my place? It's better than staying at boy's house." Nice job Erina! They tried to the Erina's house and they got scared because Erina has many body guards in her house and their faces are scary, so they got back to my place.

Mili offered to stay at her house and we headed to her house, it's a small apartment's and the six of us are cramped here. Erina looks hard to move and she slipped as always and she accidentally push me "Ah, i'm sorry." I hit a refrigerator and above it was a wok fell down to my head. It hit really hard and it makes me passed put immedietly, the girls are panic and keep calling my name.

I opened my eyes and it seems like i'm back to my house, the girls are staring at me "Thank god, you're alive." Mona and Lisa decided to stay at my place and i can't do anything about it. It's already evening, i was watching the TV with Lisa and Mona was screaming from the kitchen "Kyaa! Help me!" I run towards her and asked what happened. There was a cockroach and wrathful took over my body, maybe he want to handle this.

Suddenly he screamed like a lady "Kyaa! I'm scared too." Wrathful jumped into the table as soon the cockroach approaching him. What the.. Why is he scared? "Help me, someone!" He keep screamed and Mona was speechless while looking at him. Lisa came and she grab the cockroach with a tissue and throw it. Wrathful approaching Lisa and grab her legs "Thank you so much." He is thanking Lisa with a tears and i'm back to the normal. It's so embarrassing for me.

I went into the toilet and i was asking wrathful what the heck was happened before. "I'm scared, i don't want to see anymore bugs." I just found out that wrathful can become a scaredy person and it doesn't suit him. Mona called me and she asked me to buy some ingredients for cooking, i'm heading out and went to the market.

I met Mili who also wanted to the market and we walk together. Mili face is blushing and she suddenly hold my hand, i changed into one of my personalities again and it was a coolnest. I know he can doing some romantic scene like this and i make him handle this thing. He let go of her hand and he covering half of his face that turning into red "um.. i'm too shy for doing this." What.. the.. FUCK?! Why did you become a feminist! He run away from Mili with a girl gesture and she just speechless while looking at me running away from her.

In the end, i don't go to the market and sitting in the park while thinking what the hell just happened with my personalities. Lili suddenly appear and she asked me what am i doing here "I'm just-" When i'm not done talking, childish took over my body "I'm just thinking about my future, i can't survive just like this." He left Lili alone and she just speechless. Why childish acting like a boys who just hit a puberty?! I'm so done with these guys, i'm heading home.

As I was walking home, a car appeared in front of me. It's Mona and Lisa's dad, he gave me a suitcase. I took out my glasses and wearing them and changed my personalities into a smartest and he asked him what is this for. "There is a clothes for them and a some school books. I don't know how long are they staying at your place, but they need to school." Smartest smirked at him and he gives him a middle fingers "You can't fool me! I know there was a spies tool in it, a recording so you can spying us." Smartest mocking him while running away from him. He just speechless and thinking that if her daughters are going to be fine with this crazy man.

I arrived at my apartment with a gloomy face and Mona asked me where is the ingredients that she told me to buy "I'm sorry, i forgot my wallet." She just sighed "You useless, let me go to the market." She left and i tossed myself to the sofa with a gloomy expression. I wonder what happened to my personalities, wrathful become a scaredy, coolnest become a feminist, childish become a puberty, smartest become a craziest. And i remember something, maybe it because when the wok hit my head really hard before, it affecting my personalities. I wonder what laziness become, maybe he can becoming something usefull to me. I closed my eyes and trying communicate with laziness and i saw laziness evolving becoming.... more lazier.

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Lisa saw me lying down with no spirit and she asked me what happened. I showed my face with a tear eyes and i asked her ehat should i do, and then i told her everything that happened. After i told her the story, she laughed and saying that it was unique and i was pouted because instead of helping me, she just laughed at it. She apologized to me "Why don't you trying hit your head again?" that wasn't a bad idea but what i'm afraid is, what if it getting worsed.

Okay, i decided to give it a try and i asked Lisa to hit my head with a pan. "Lisa, what i want you to do is-" Lisa strike my head without hesitate before i'm finishing my word and she just keep hitting my head continuously. The door was opened "i'm home, eh?!" Mona was shocked because i was fainted, my head was swollen and Lisa was holding a pan. "Ah.. Mona, i can explain."

I was woke up and the girls are staring at me "I'm sorry for hitting you continuously." Lisa was apologized to me and Mona was pinched Lisa's cheek. "Um.. Who are you?" The girls are shocked because i'm losing my memories "Look at what you do." Mona was mad and keep pinched Lisa's cheek. "I'm sorry!!"

The next day, the other girls was heard about me having an amnesia and they visiting me. Mili and Lili came towards me and asked me if i was okay. "Who are you?" They're sad because i'm not remembering them and Erina was come too. "I've bought you some fruit." She bought me a watermelon and she just slipped again and accidentally throws the watermelon at my head again. It hit really hard until the watermelon breaks into a piece. Suddenly i remember what happened and i came towards Erina and holding her hands. "Thank you.. for.. making me suffer!" I pinched her cheeks really hard "It's because of you, from the first time at Mili's house." She's crying and apologizing at me and i stopped pinched her.

I'm changing my clothes in my room becquse the watermelon in my clothes and coolnest suddenly talked to me inside my head "Tsk, tsk. That's not how you treated a girl. It's not elegant." What?! You back to the normal?! "As you know, i'm not afraid with a cockroach!" Wrathful, you too! "I want to eat a ice cream." Childish! "I'm already calculate that-" Fuck you! "I'm too lazy to-" Shut up!

The next day, there is a suitcase in front of my apartment's and it was from Mona and Lisa's dad. I still remember that smartest showing a bad attitude's at their father. Maybe i should apologize at their father "What is this?" Lisa looks confused with something and when i see it, it was a recording device at the side of the suitcase.

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