Chapter 13

The sun was rising. Haru was on his ride.

He was in a high spirit as he was away from his home village.

Last night was Legen— wait for it— dary.

He had discovered that he has infinite stamina when it comes to sex. He was like a beast, and no matter how much he had come, he didn't stop.

He won't get tired even if went the whole night. It was fun to see the girl looking at him as if he was a beast.

"Too bad that good times don't last." Haru sighed. The only bad thing about last night was that he couldn't continue, so the girl. But now, it was time for him to walk on his conqueror path.

He won't forget about Luna. But all of his focus now is his journey. He wasn't moving just to reach Kyoshi Island. He also was planning to get stronger on the way.

Haru had been well prepared for this trip. He had filled his system storage with rations, and most importantly, a heavy iron armour.

Since his physique was beyond the level of humans, his body can handle heavy armours. He can summon it to fight at any second. It weighs about 300 kilograms, and Haru was keeping it in the storage because he didn't want his ride to be slow.

On his way, Haru passed by the village he had been at when he had been chased out of his village. It took him almost a whole day to reach.

The last time he had been here, previous Earth Kingdom soldiers — now his subordinates — had taken over the villages in this mountain range and made them poor.

Haru had instructed his men to give back what they had stolen, and they did without a question. They didn't even try to run away since they had believed that Haru had poisoned them.

'I love how people are naive sometimes…'

Haru smiled when he got off his ride, and he tied it to a near tree. He then entered the village.

The people looked in a better condition than the last time he had seen them.

As they saw him, they smiled at him as if he was hope. They pointed at him and whispered.

The last time he had been here, they had approached Haru for some money, and they had scoffed at him when they had learnt that he doesn't have anything with him.

Haru entered a restaurant. There was a man was inside the kitchen, cooking.

"Hey, boss, what do you have on the menu?" Called Haru as he made his way in.

"Oh. No need to be in hurry young man…" a man came to Haru's table, but he froze when he saw his face. "It's you!"

"Remember me?"

"How can I not remember you? You are the talk of the villages…" the owner smiled. "Last time you were here, You asked me where the bandits are, and the next thing we knew is that they gave us our money back. I would never forget a young man like you."

As it seems, the villagers could tell that Haru was the one to give them their freedom.

Haru just nodded. "Nothing worthy of mentioning."

"You are Haru, from the northern village."

"You know me?" Haru pointed at himself. He didn't remember himself being famous outside his village. He had never given his name.

But again, he never left his village in the first place. Moreover, many carriages passes by his home, some merchants would definitely spread his name, especially since he had kicked out the Fire Nation. But because Haru had been focusing on his training and training the others, he didn't realise that.

"You really are famous. There had been some rumours, about a young man who could attack a prison full of firebenders and he defeated them." The owner said with a smile. There was some admiration in his eyes. "Now I feel really stupid to think I told you to stay away from the mountain range."

"Don't be," Haru said. "I'm quite hungry, and I'm on my travel, so I'm gonna buy some food."

"Please don't buy it. It's on me." The owner smiled and nodded. He gave a slight bow, turned, and went to the kitchen.

Haru lowered his head.

Something felt missing. If rumours about him started spreading outside, to near villages, then it means that they will spread more.

There should be some scouts of the Fire Nation to reach his village, right?

Haru wondered why they hadn't attacked his village?

Are they preparing for an attack after they gather enough force, or are they busy cornering the major cities of the Earth Kingdom?

'It has only been three weeks. One can't expect rumours to spread this fast?'

Haru sighed and decided not to overthink it. He smiled when the restaurant owner came back with many plates. Haru ate some, and he packed the rest, to keep in his storage later.

"Boss, I have a request," Haru said suddenly.

The owner raised his eyebrow. "Sure, anything that I can do."

"I need to sleep for a couple of hours. I need a place for a short time and I'll leave." Haru requested.

Compared to the other men, he doesn't need much rest. Also, because he can use earthbending to see, so the darkness of the night won't bother him.

On a side note, Haru felt that in the future, he may be able to sense everything without being connected to the ground and without having a sort of skin contact with the earth. Unlike Toph, when it comes to bending, he has no limits. He only has levels.

The restaurant owner smiled. "Please, rest as much as you like."

"Thank you." Haru gave a slight bow.

Soon, he was guided into a small room with a bed, and Haru got comfortable.


After sleeping for some hours, Haru opened his eyes.

He got up, adjusted his clothes, and walked out of the room. The restaurant was empty, and the owner was nowhere. Haru left some money on the counter. He then went outside, taking his ride with him.

Since Haru had high wisdom, he could easily remember the maps of the Earth Kingdom. During the last three weeks, he had spent his time studying the location of the stars, forming his groups, and thus, he could tell the direction without the need of a compass.

A few hours later, everything became dark. It was the middle of the night.

His ride's eyes were glowing, that's why it could see. It seemed to be afraid.

Haru jumped off it, put his hand on the ground, and he could have an image of the surroundings in his head.

He turned his head left and right. His ride's eyes weren't the only thing that was shining. Many other eyes shone through the darkness, and all were staring in his direction.

Haru could slightly sense the surroundings with his shoes on his feet. But having direct contact with earth allowed him to sense better, and in a wide range. He lifted his hand, and two small rocks pierced his shoes. It changed its shape and blended with his shoes. It acted as a medium between Haru and the ground.

A clear image of the surroundings appeared in his head, and he could only say the F word.

There were some tigers group around him. The tigers were 3 meters tall when standing on their two legs. And they were around 5 in number.

"Dear tigers, if you want to have a nice dinner, you can't come alone." Haru jogged in his place and punched left and right in the air.


One of the shiny eyes got near Haru, followed by a strong roar. It was so fast that it crossed 10 meters in almost an instant.

Haru, who could expect this movement because of his superior senses, lay on his back. The tiger was in the air above him, and Haru punched up. The ground next to Haru shifted its shape and attacked the tiger, right in the head, sending it flying in the air.

[Defeating savage tiger +500 exp]

Haru scoffed. These animals seemed to be the best thing he can use to practise.

He put his hands behind him and flipped backwards, standing on his feet. He liked his new agility, even though it wasn't necessary for this fight.

Cycling his Chi, Haru stomped on the ground and a great 5 meters long wall appeared.

Having increased his physical strength and Chi allowed Haru to do feats that are considered hard for most the benders.

The wall cracked, and Haru sensed two tigers hitting it.

The other two appeared next to Haru, staring at him with wariness, before dashing with a high speed at him.

Haru didn't take any bending stance. He looked too relaxed for someone who is about to die.


The floating dust formed a 2 meters sword that started spinning around Haru. The skill's level was high, and so were its speed and damage.

The tigers were cut in half by the sword and fell.

[Defeating Savage Tiger]

[+500 exp]


Notifications ringed in his ear. Haru ignored them as he summoned another spinning sword, making the total two. He stared up the wall as the two remaining tigers jumped over it and were heading at him. He pointed at them with his middle and index fingers.

'You can't dodge in the air.' He stretched his hand at them, and the two swords stopped spinning and headed at them, piercing their bodies and making them fall.

Haru smiled after the last notification went through his ears. He decided to check his stats.

[Level 14 (2500/30000)] he got a considerable amount of experience.

Other than that, something else levelled up.

[Swords Spiral Ring up to level 13]

[Bending with hands up to level 13]

[Earthbending up to level 13]

"It's a shame that they were only five."

Haru bent the ground, creating holes under the corpses of the dead animals, before closing it. From earth they came, and to earth shall they return.

Turning to his ride, which was shaking, Haru smiled and patted it on the neck. "Don't worry, as long as you are around me, you won't get hurt."

The animal just nodded as it seemed to understand what he said.

"Okay, let's continue our hunt for the night," Haru smirked. The valley seemed to be full of the beasts, and the scent of the blood was everywhere. He could sense many footsteps in their direction. They seemed to smell the blood. "let's level up."