Chapter 33

Walking admits the satisfied expression of the Kyoshi's warriors, Haru stared at them while his legs were numb. All of that stretching made him lose the power he had in his legs. It had given him extra damage. Although Haru's health on the bar had increased, the damage he gets would always cause the same amount of pain.

For example, if getting his finger sliced got him -20 HP out of 100, he would feel the same pain if he lost 20 HP out of even 1000 hp for the same reason.

He needed to drink and eat some food and rest to get his HP back.

Suki came and landed Haru a shoulder. "You did a good job today."

"All thanks to you," Haru said. He could sense the sincerity in her words. But the thing that hurts was how her eyes were laughing. 'I think I deserve it. For provoking them.'

"Give yourself a pat," Luki said as she patted Haru. "I tried to warn you, but you had to talk big."

"You are right, teacher," Haru said. He was too bothered even prove her wrong. "Thank you."

Luki opened her fan, hiding the smile on her face. "Don't thank me yet. You still have a lot to learn."

"Yes." Haru nodded. "Suki. I may be asking for too much. But can you help me reach my home?"

"Sure," Suki said, full of pride.

Wrapping her hand around his waist, she helped the new stretched Haru to leave the dojo. They then walked to his house. Haru thanked her, and she nodded in approval.

When they were in the middle of reaching his house, Suki spoke. "Guess a part of me is to blame for your state."

"What are you talking about?"

"When you stood there to take my hits, I got carried away, and I stroke your vital parts." Sounding guilty, Suki said. "As a warrior, I shouldn't be provoked when you hinted that my feminine strikes won't hurt. They can break bricks, let alone a young man like you."

"You are really a fool." Haru sighed. "You are a girl, and a warrior at the same time. But yeah, you hit my vital parts. Luckily I didn't have internal bleeding. Part of me is to blame to provoke you... But don't feel sorry. If I was chosen between dying and wearing that dress, I would choose death."

"Wow, you really are prideful." Suki rubbed her nose when he called her warrior and girl. "But you seem to understand me. If you feel that way, I guess I have to make it up for your injuries."


Suki had an admiring look in her eyes when she stared at his body. It wasn't a lust look. More, it was about admiring how he took her strikes right to his body and continued training without the slightest complaint. Well, he only complained about stretching.

Suki took Haru to his house and allowed him to rest. When he was alone, Haru took some food out of his storage and cooked it. When he ate it, his health increased, and his eternal injuries were fixed. The pain from training vanished.

'Though, there is more damage to fix." Haru took a step in the door's direction. His flexible leg stretched more than he intended to do.

'I need more water.' Thought Haru opened the bottle of water and started drinking. He had sustained high damage from Suki. Although her strikes had caused little damage, she gave him many, and thus, he lost many.

To have a full recovery and benefit from the training and gain flexibility. Luckily, he has the whole day.

[Health +10]

[Health +10]

Haru almost emptied all of his water bottles, made from stone, from water.

Now, he has only 20 health points to work on.

Stretching his limbs, Haru could feel that his sore body got better. He now can move freely, and he doesn't even need to complain about the slight pain.

*Knock* *Knock*

When he heard the knocks on the door, Haru headed to it. Opening the door, he found Suki, standing there with a teacup.

"Hey." She said. "I have thought about making it up for you, and this tea has healing properties."

Haru lowered his head to the tea, and he said. "Thanks." Taking the tea from her, he noticed that she still standing there. Haru understood that she wanted his opinion, and he drank and sipped it.

[Health +20]

He opened his eyes widely when he noticed how much it increased his health. 'You gotta be kidding me.'

"What?" Suki asked in an innocent tone.

"It's amazing," Haru said, sounding that he wasn't even trying to lie.

Suki smiled. "If you want more, you can always call me."

"Sure, just make sure to go easy on me when we train. Also, don't forget about your promise."

Haru gave her a smug face. Suki had promised him that she will stretch him without her armour.

"I didn't forget. But you seem to be done in that area. Maybe when your limbs harden I will help you." Suki giggled when she saw the disappointed look on his face.


"Take care of yourself." Suki then turned and left.

Haru closed the door and went to the bed and he lay down. Feeling happy that he didn't end up dressing as a woman, he exhaled a sigh as he was about to sleep. But when he remembered that there is a war and an enemy, he couldn't sleep.

Jumping off the bed, Haru took a horse position and started punching in the air.

After a thousand punches, he got a notification.

[Martial arts up to level 2]

Haru then repeated the basics of parrying. Making an imaginary foe, Suki, Haru parried her punches. Although they were basic, they were enough for him to train with.

After a couple of hours, when the sun set, Haru heard the notification. [Martial arts up to level 3]

He didn't know how this skill affected him, but he noticed that his movements became smoother. Punching and parrying seemed to be more like natural movements like scratching an itchy place.

Knowing that he is all alone, Haru decided to switch his training. Thinking of the best thing to do, Haru would start trying to figure out how to bend Lava. There is another thing he can do. He can sit down and meditate. He had always felt curious about the spirit world. Apparently, meditating is the key to entering it.

Sitting on the bed, Haru remembered a piece of random information he had learnt about mediation in some forum on Earth. One can always meditate, even when he is sitting, or drinking coffee.

It was written by some monk. The monk said that humans have a part inside their brain that talks too much. He called the Monkey Brian. In order to shut it down, you need to give it a task. You tell it to be aware of your breaths.

Even if some thoughts interrupted your meditation, as long as you are aware of your breathing, you are still meditating.

Haru forgot this idea as soon as he started meditating and focusing on his breath. After some time, some ideas started coming to him. But since Haru kept his awareness to his breathing, those ideas were ignored. His Chi started floating. Haru found himself connected to another dimension. He was aware of his existence, of what he wanted, even without his mind talking.

Haru opened his eyes, and he noticed that the world changed. He was standing in the middle of green land. A red dragon was flying, and a weird forest was in front of him.

Haru moved his hand, but he couldn't bend. When he tried to check on his gaming system, he found that it was there.

[+ a Passive Skill: Spiritual Meditation]

(increases the connection to the spirit. Increases Chi by 2% at the current level)

Haru gained a valuable skill.

Knowing best not to venture into the spirit world without knowing how to come back, Haru thought of going back to the living world. He got back into his room. But something felt strange. Haru wasn't inside of his body.

He was floating in his room, and he could see his body lying on the bed. Anyone would think that he was sleeping.

Haru rubbed his chin. A scary idea crossed his mind. Is this reality or is he just dreaming of himself being outside of his body?

Nevertheless, there is only one way to check it. He got into his body. When he woke up, he opened the skills list, and he noticed that the new skill was there.

Haru put one skill point in it, so he could get into the spirit world next time faster.

[+ a Passive Skill: Spiritual Meditation level 2]

(increases the connection to the spirit. Increases Chi by 4% at the current level)

It now increased his Chi by 4%

Seems like a good skill to train.

"That was scary." Haru rubbed his forehead. Walking outside of his house, he left to grind his earthbending skills outside. Maybe making some meteors fall in the sea. It would be harmless if he trained it. Also, he needed to lava bend.