Chapter 56

Having got the information about the whereabouts of the Wasps nest, Haru and Suki found an Inn to stay in.

Before venturing to the desert again, it was wise to master sandbending. It was one of the achievable abilities that any earthbender can learn.

Suki was preparing the bed, and Haru was sitting in the corner, a bunch of sand was in front of him.

Although his eyes were closed, his spirit was outside of his body.

Kyoshi was teaching him how to sandbend while touching his spiritual body.

[Sandbending up to level 8]

As expected from a previous Avatar. Her experience in Sand Bending is high.

"It's not all I can do, but you can discover the rest," Kyoshi said. "You have to practise."

"Thank you." Haru kissed her forehead before he went back to his body.

When he opened his eyes, he stared at the sand.

Just because he found a hack, it doesn't mean that he would skip a stage. Moving his hand, the sand floated. Haru closed his fist, and the sand compressed. Activating one of his offensive skills, the sand turned into one sword that spun around him. Although the sand sword was compressed, it wasn't as sharp as the earth or metal swords. It only made a slight cut.

'Naturally, it's a different form of Earth, so it should have a different use. Let's see, bending lava was like bending water and earth. Bending sand should be like bending air. I can use it to generate wind, and even to learn how to bend dust.'

Earthbending was the foundation skill for all other bending forms.

Haru found that his sand bending was increasing. He waved his hands, and the sand started moving in a sphere shape. It generated wind.

[Sandbending up to level 9]

Haru then put the sand down and he closed his eyes. He was trying to sense through it. Since he had an experience of seeing through earth and metal, he applied the same principle.

Haru could now sense the sand around him. The small particulars allowed him to sense better.

It's like seeing through the earth, but it allowed him to sense things that weren't connected to the ground, things in the air.

"Suki, I'll make love to you later." Haru went through the window.

"Huh? Aren't you going to sleep?" She asked. There was some frustration in her voice. But she held herself.

"I have to train for a couple of hours, and I will be back to you."

Exhaling a long sigh, she crossed her arms. Her boobs jiggled. "And what am I supposed to do."

"Cute," Kyoshi commented while staring at Suki's action.

Haru agreed with her.

He smiled at Suki. "While I'm training, I need you to do one thing."

Seeing that she has a task, Suki smiled and asked. "What?"

"Sit down, and meditate." Haru held her hand and took her to the bed.

"Doesn't that need a very clear mind?"

Haru sighed, and then he explained to her about meditation. How to shut up the Monkey Mind, give task. He told her that as long as she is aware of her breathing, she is still meditating, even if some stray thoughts came to the surface.

Suki, not knowing how that will help her, did it anyway. It sounded like something to pass time to her.

To Haru, that was good. If she reached some spiritual stage, she will be able to see Kyoshi. Maybe meditating next to the iceberg will do it for her.

Haru considered taking it for himself. That would be left for later.

Haru jumped off the window, and he started training his sandbending. He walked on the sand, eyes closed. This way, he was more connected to the sand, and he started bending.

'Okay, let's try this.'

Haru opened his hand and pointed forward. Moving his fingers slightly, he created a small tornado.

[+ Active Skill: Sand Tornado level 1]

With this skill, he can level up his Sandbending faster. The good thing was his high Chi reserves. Haru would be able to train the whole night with them.

Kyoshi was sitting by the window, observing him creating a small tornado.

They only got bigger, and the wind got faster.


[Sandbending up to level 12]

[Sand Tornado up to level 8]

It was dawn, and Haru jumped back to his room. Suki seems to have already slept while meditating. One of the risks of meditation is that you can't keep your focus, and you may fall asleep at any time.

Just to check that something bad didn't happen, Haru meditated and went to the spirit world. He tried to think of Suki, and he didn't find her. Good. It meant that she hadn't gone to the spirit world. She was just sleeping;

Haru went back to his body. Kyoshi kicked a leg above another, lying half naked. "If you are worried about her, you shouldn't. You could have just checked on her spiritual energy by touching her to know she is here. Also, since she is asleep, we can have some time. What do you say."

Haru smirked. "Alright, just a couple of rounds until the morning."


The morning came, and Suki seemed to be disappointed. Something didn't happen, and she gave Haru a cold look.

"I already said that I will compensate you for it, didn't I?" Haru turned his head to Suki.

They currently were on his board, it was made of compressed sand this time.

"Compensate? As if I can handle that." Suki said, filling her cheeks with air.

Haru chuckled.

Currently, his earth-sense had increased. Thanks to his ability to feel the earth's substance within the sand from distance, Haru could see through the desert. He could tell if there is something hidden within them. He could even use it to attack.

"Just cool things for me."

"Sure." Haru made the sand cooler, using the same principle.

Thinking about manipulating the physical state, Haru wondered if sands can be turned into glass. He should try to figure that out later. But for now, he had to complete his task for the Epic Box and the experience, to level up.

Currently, he was 15 meters above the air.

Suki pointed down.

There was a next on a giant peak.

"Alright, wait here for me.

Haru jumped off the board. Although the distance was high, he waved his hand, creating a sand tornado that slowed his fall.

Staring forward, he saw a nest, a giant one with multi holes. Each hole was enough to enter an animal twice as large as Haru.

Knowing that Suki can't see well with the sand, Haru opened his system and summoned two large cubs of compressed iron.

Haru didn't need his eyes to see. The armour under his skin moved and formed a protective sphere around him.

Haru then stretched his hands forward. The sand created a large wave that attacked the nest. Soon, giant swaps started getting out.

Many small swords rose from the sand.

"Alright, Sword Rains" Haru muttered. "And spears. I can spam my skills now."

The battle of a man against the beasts started.

[+2000 exp]

[+2000 exp]

[+2000 exp]

It was quite intense at the beginning as the wasps started looking for him.

But they only kept dying as the sand swords pierced them. Although they weren't sharp like metal ones, they were lethal enough.

[You levelled up]

[Level 23 (20.000/120.000)]

After reducing their huge number with the Swords Rain skill, the remains of the wasps moved around. Since they weren't crowded, they had free space to move. They could dodge the swords.

If forced Haru to reveal himself, to bait them. He then used his metalbending to deal with them. Haru didn't need to use skills with his mastery of Metalbending.

He could take each wasp by punching and sending a large bullet out of the metal cubs.

In no time, every wasp died.

[Quest completed: becoming a legend in the desert]

[+Epic Box]

[+ Gift Box]

[+100.000 exp]

[You levelled up]

[Level 24 (50.000/130.000)]

Haru stretched his neck before taking the metal back. He looked at the wasps. Their needle should have poison in them. Using a sharp knife, he took around a hundred needles. Each was as large as a dagger. Haru pretended to bury them, to fool Suki's eyes, before storing them.

Haru then made the board in the sky descend. Suki, who had been to watch, said. "Why did you bury them."

"I don't want anyone to use these needles as weapons," Haru said. "Other than me."

"I understand," Suki said. "So, where are we heading now."

"Have you ever been to a library?" Haru smiled.

"Yes, I've said that thousands of times."

"Well, you are about to see the real deal."

Because he could sense through the sand, he could see a small fox moving in the distance.

"So, you are going to visit his library." Said Suki as she seemed to recall something. "Wan Shi Tong's library, right?"

Haru nodded.

"Well, I don't mind seeing it."

"Be careful Haru," warned Kyoshi. "That owl is annoying, and he is hard to talk to. By the way, why do you want to enter his library."

Haru took a deep breath.

There is a good reason for him to desire that.

His purpose to go to Ba Sing Se was to finish his quests, reunite the Earth Kingdom, and most importantly, learn the hypnosis method.

If he got to that library, which should contain knowledge from all over the world, then Haru would surely learn hypnosis methods.

Moreover, he can learn more martial arts and bending arts.

If it came to the worse, he can always defeat the owl.

It was shown in Legend Of Korra that defeating spirits is possible for benders. Then how about an exceptional bender like himself?


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