Chapter 80

On the island. Staring at the standing Fire lord, Haru put a leg above another as he sat. Behind him, the earth shifted its shape, raising a chair that he sat on.

Around Haru, the hostages — Mai, Azula and Ty Lee — floated.

"So, the Earth King wants to negotiate with me." Ozai, the Fire Lord, put his hands behind his back. "You're the peasant who rose in power to oppose me. I must say you crossed a long way."

Haru half closed his eyes.

All of his suffering, his parents and everyone's suffering in the Earth Kingdom was thanks to the Fire Lord. They had been imprisoned, enslaved, and ate the shit while the Fire Nation took the resources from his nation in the name of spreading the advancement.

"Negotiate is right weaklings like you don't have," Haru replied.

He could simply finish everyone here using his speed and power.

But what's the point? He won't feel satisfied.

Staring at the cocky face of the Fire Lord made Haru feel pissed off.

Yes, he wanted to humiliate him, and use his daughter before turning him into a puppet.

"You're getting cockier by the day, I see," Ozai smirked. "So this is the Earth King. But I'm curious, if you don't want to negotiate, what do you have."

"I'll give you an offer," Haru said. "Take all of your forces out of my Kingdom, make a public apology for my people, and compensate them with money, and I'll let you, and your daughter live."

He then waved his hand. Azula floated next to Haru, her face was near his. Without looking at her, he put his hand under her chin.

Ozai seemed to take some time to stare at Azula — her body.

What a disgusting man — probably he didn't recognise his daughter after her sudden growth spurt that made her look like a curvy model.

"She outgrew you, didn't she? You must be proud of her." Haru said. "It would be a shame if she died here…"

Azula, looking afraid, turned to Ozai. She muttered in a shaking voice. "Father… he's crazy… help me."

"I see, you have my dear daughter. That's why you are so sure." Ozai put his hand under his chin and rubbed his goatee.

Azula smiled, seeing that Ozai taking him into consideration.

"As a proud princess, she'll make the greatest sacrifice. You are going to be buried here." Ozai raised his hand.

Few firebenders who were on the top of the ships took their stances, and they shot fire.

*Boom* *Boom*

A series of explosions occurred behind Haru and the group of hostages.

Then, a very large explosion followed.


The ground shook violently.

Haru almost lost his balance. But since he was an earthbender, that was almost impossible.

He now realised what happened.

Ozai was going to sacrifice his daughter, and use this island to kill him.

The inactive volcano became active again. Ozai must have planted some explosions even before he came here.

"Sorry, Azula. I'll do what I must do." Ozai smirked. He stepped forward, extending two fingers from each hand. Azula opened her eyes widely since she was between her father and Haru. Ozai then thrust, two lightning bolts heading at Azula. They would pierce her and then Haru.

Haru looked at Azula. He'd already foreseen Ozai's action.

He thought of using it.

Maybe, he can turn Azula against her father and use her later so that he can control the Fire Nation.

Haru held Azula from the back of her neck. Once the lightning hit them, it circled and discharged on earth. It was one of Haru's skills.

Ozai had planned to knock out Haru while the lava was descending. The volcano would serve as a distraction. There may be a chance to save Azula as there was a chance that lightning would kill her.

Haru dropped Azula, who was looking at her father with tears. "Why? Why did you betray me too, father?"

"Impossible. Lightning should have killed you!"

Ozai didn't look at her at all. He looked at Haru, who showed a stiff expression.

"Using Lava is a mistake from your side." He extended his hands to the sides. The earth turned into very hot lava. As he extended his hand, a large lava wave headed forward.

"Everyone, retreat. Destroy his boat and let them die here."

Ozai pointed his hands and feet down. Jet flames appeared to bellow them, pushing him flying above the lava wave. He then retreated.

The lava destroyed two ships. Ozai landed on a good one.

Haru thought of taking him down. However, he thought of something else.

There was one mind fucked up the girl next to him.

What would be a better punishment for Ozai than using his own daughter to take him down?

He flicked his fingers, and the shackles were destroyed. Azula and her group were free.

Azula seemed to be unaware of that, as she was crying with her head on the ground.

She was slamming her head on the ground until it bled.

One can't blame her.

She was just betrayed by the only person whom she thought loved her.

Betrayal was the worst feeling one can get.

He squatted. "What do you think? Your father abandoned you. He tried to kill you to achieve his goal. Do you think he deserves to live?"

Azula slowly turned her head to Haru, who smiled. He raised his hands. "He oppressed me, just as he had oppressed you. Welcome to the barbarians' side."

"Fuck you…" Azula ventured her anger. However, her words didn't seem to say to him.

She slammed her fists on the ground and stood up, staring in the sea's direction.

She took a step forward, and she pointed her fingers forward.

Lightning bolts extended from each finger. They were heading to one person, who didn't have enough reaction speed to react to lightning.

Ozai opened his eyes widely. Azula didn't stop unleashing lightning, and Ozai's figure was lifted in the air. The lightning bolts spread from him, striking the nearest.

"Hehe!!!" Azula seemed to lose her mind as she grinned, crying at the same time.

'I considered using her to control the fire nation. But seeing how crazy she's… I need to treat her mind.'

"She is surely fucked up person. I would advise you to kill her." Kyoshi said, amused as she waved her fan in front of her face.

"Let her live," Haru replied. "She'll be the next Fire Lord. And I'll give her some suggestions, to become a peaceful person," he then muttered. "A horny peaceful queen who needs a specific man…" he then laughed.

Ty Lee looked between Haru and Azula. "You two are crazy, you know."

Haru ignored the little girl. They wouldn't sneak up on him since he could see everything.

Azula's arms started turning red. The lightning was destroying her. Yet she refused to let her father go.

"Ty Lee, stop her or she'll kill herself."

Ty Lee, although had been his hostage, did as she was told. She sneaked up on Azula and stroked her Chi points. Azula's lightning vanished. She dropped to her knees, breathing heavily and smiling crazily.

"Good that I got rid of that fraud." She meant her dad.

Haru smirked inwardly. He put his hand on her back, and he squatted.

"I understand you… he played you, didn't he?"

"Why do you care?"

"I care, for he once was my worse enemy. His brother, and your brother, are both my allies."

Azula looked at Haru with wide-open eyes.

Haru said. "He pretended to love you, didn't he? I bet if you didn't show talent in firebending, he would've treated like nothing."

Damn it.

Manipulating people, when they are emotional, was so easy.

"That bastard."

"Tell me, you killed him, but you didn't avenge. After all, he got a painless death, while his dream is living on. What's the best way to revenge on him, other than destroying everything he did? Take his forces from every nation he took, and support his worse enemies."

Why does he sound like a manipulating devil? Maybe because he's.

"He deserves it. He's worse than my mom!" Azula put her hands on her head and closed her eyes. "Hold on, you said my uncle and brother are with you."

"You poor thing." Haru faked a sympathy smile. He put his hand on her head. She opened her eyes widely. "We wanted to have you, but your father brainwashed you, just like everyone in the Fire Nation."

Haru flicked his finger. A large piece of earth rose from the ground to the sky, forming a very large meteor, which headed down to the ships, destroying them with one strong collusion.

Mai and Ty Lee opened their eyes widely.

Haru didn't stop. The lava that was pouring behind him started freezing once he pointed his hand at it.

Now that he was done taking down Ozai — Azula did — it was time to control the other nation in his shadow.