Origins: Animus: Author's Note

Well that was an invigorating story to say the least right? Right? Anyways before we begin with the usual business I want to apologize for the late uploads. 2023 has been kicking my ass hard with personal trips and college assignments. However that seems to be in the past at least for now. So hopefully the next planned chapter comes out pretty soon.

Origins chapters are the ones which usually take the most amount of editing and overall story changes. Not only because of their lack of a status quo but also due to the massive amount of changes I have to make. The focus on Asad being one of them. Even if he was a character I never really wanted to focus on for a long period of time I felt that for Animus to work I needed to really get his character right.

I didn't just want an antagonistic foil to Sarah I wanted a fully fleshed out character in his own right to really push her forward. Something I also hope to achieve with the next antagonists coming up. I think even more challenging than that was trying to find the proper I wanted to convey.

I think if you look back at my earlier works there has always been a sense of intensity in it. And I feel like in many ways Paladin draws it out the most. Riding that line between truly capturing that moment, that fire, which really brings me back to doing this shit is hard. But I think in doing this I've finally found that perfect is good. I can only hope to continue improving this and other aspects as this journey of ours persists.

Next time we'll be returning to Titan with the red hot introduction of a brand new character Persona in the next chapter: Masks.