The Hunted Part 6

Several minutes had already passed since my dust up with Lexa began. And through each strike I'm reminded of the similarities which made Lexa and I such good friends to begin with. Like how our shared stubbornness, love of fitness and passion for both wrestling/boxing that fueled our current deadlock. Dozens of powerful punches connected together in perfect sync, quaking the entire cabin to its core. 

Upon the umpteenth swing I wondered why we remained in a stalemate despite my superior power. An answer which grew clearer when my punch was pushed back upon Lexa's advance. And became crystallized when I got my foot stomped moments before getting launched by another heated hook.

Lexa and I commanded similar styles but completely different mindsets. I trusted my strength and endurance to carry me through, wading through the offensive till my opponent or environment gave me the one shot I needed. Problem is Lexa never gives that opening. Her Greco-Roman wrestling and Pankration are made to lock down her foes in her way. 

Combine that with a tactical mind I've only ever seen Sarah match and her knack to completely distribute her weight on a dime and Lexa's strength and our differences widen further. I outlast and adapt while she overwhelms and conquers. I tried to being immovable. Lexa is unstoppable. 

Soon as I touched back down I thought Lexa's last punch had knocked her off balance. I realized too late though she simply was just prepping her next move as she tackled my leg. Like before I tried fending her charge but she didn't give any leverage to work off. Leading me to just brace myself while getting laumched so hard into the wall the wood broke. Spit and splinters flew all over the place, as I felt my ribs ache against the sheer pressure. 

Nevertheless I persisted clasping my hands together for a double axe handle punch right on her back! I swear I felt her entire skeleton shake but she still increased her crushing momentum. Meaning I had to literally hammer it home, pulling out more and more power unitil the racks of handguns started descending like snowflakes. 

When the floor started cracking like concrete from my hits I almost thought I was going too hard, but one look from Lexa and I knew I wasn't going hard enough.When I prepared my next one Lexa took notice, immediately spinning away from the blow at alarming speed to clock another fist at me. Fortune did smile on my face though as I'm able to block the fist with a handgun that fell within reach. Giving me every bit of hope while skidding across the floor as I tried using the one spare magazine I had to attack. 

My opponent reacted accordingly, jumping towards me with the intent on stomping me out like a flame. With the weight of a kaju the armory again started shaking from her descent but I dodged at the nick of time and got back up. Forcing me to immediately back up and fall within her cqc as we engaged in a dangerous dance. 

Every paintball shot I fired found a different target through her split second deflection. Noticing this was getting me nowhere I forewent the gun entirely, immediately letting it get knocked away as I twisted her fist into a standing armlock. Lexa thrashed around like a wild bull but I held on strong.

"Keep moving and I'll break it Lexa!," I said with vigor. 

Unfortunately as soon as the words flew out my mouth we both knew I was bluffing. Making Lexa do something I never would've expected. My sweat then suddenly went cold as I heard several cracks reverberated across the armory. Panicked, I reflexively let go, a decision I instantly regretted when I looked at Lexa's fierce eyes. 

Even in this amount of pain she remained steadfast as she pulled out a secret weapon.The brush blade alone were game changers but like any tech it can be innovated. Like taking the paint cartilage out of the blade and wrapping it around her knuckles for a devastating deck to my face.

All I could see was literally red as I heard Lexa's same shoulder to crack over again to miraculously reset her elbow. Amidst my writhing Lexa collected herself, giving the first sigh of exhaustion this entire fight.

"Excellent sparing James, that kindness of yours is one of the few categories I concede you beat me in. Still you know the saying. All's fair in love and paintball." 

A part of me almost thought we'd lost then and there, until I smelled a faint flowery perfume. I couldn't contain my smile after that. 

"Yeah, all is fair." 

Not even missing a beat Shameer led the charge, ready to cleave Lexa in half with her brush blade, Only for Lexa to catch it without even looking back. Immediately the entire armory got cloaked in her creeping pressure as she tauntingly says. 

"Alright you have my attention now." 

Despite her aura, Shammer coped ahead by pulling up her hijab and saying. 

"Guess you can't keep a good dog down." 

"Got that right," Joe said as he barreled in with one pistol. 

Using her free hand Lexa tried backfisting him but Joe weaved out of the way like an expert boxer. She then tried moving her fist forward again only to get it caught by a determined Zoey. 

"Aye! No one gets to beat on the punk but me!" 

Elise then attempted a grab but her legs immediately got grabbed by Elise. 

"Try not to hit my nails okay?" 


Shameer couldn't even get the words out as Lexa head butted both her and Zoey, giving herself enough room for the unsteady Joe not to get a clear shot. A bad mistake as Lexa exploded out of everyone's hold, knocking back both Zoey and Elise to deliver a ridiculous kick to his stomach! Seeing a golden chance Lexa ran towards her shotgun hoping to end it all in one blast, only for Shameer to get a flash of inspiration. 

In one fell swoop Shameer broke her riot shield in half and threw it over Lexa's shotgun. Shameer then leveled her brush blade like it carried the weight of a sword. Noticing the change Lexa didn't even bother to flee as she stood in opposition. Our leader then gave one last resolute look from me, as if asking for my blessing before deciding to wage war on the Femme Fatales queen. 

Shameer made the first move, moving the speed and grace of a ballerina to give a powerful joust. Lexa tried to simply grab her arm like before but Shameer used her shield to smack her hands away. Like a mirror the two then collided with their respective low kicks, sending a large smacking sound into the air as Shameer kept the offensive. Relying on quick jabs of the brush blade, to at least throw her off. 

A tactic that surprisingly worked as Lexa tried to simply bulldoze her in a mighty charge, only to come up empty when Shammer did a quick spin kick to her back. Excitement then fueled Shameer's next hit as she tried to land another deciding swipe. Only for Lexa to catch it, spinning around Shameer till she got her into the same standing arm lock as me. Lapping up her victory Lexa kept talking, as she corralled them towards the shotgun. 

"Those are some interesting movements you pulled out there. Did you take fencing by chance?" 

"No, it's Sqay, my father taught it to me. He thought it would make me a bit less self conscious about my height." 

"Ahh, Sqay yes, I always forget to brush up my South Asian martial arts. Shame they weren't enough here. " 

"That's why I have them. NOW!" 

It was here where Lexa made her critical error. Shameer height might have made her a bigger human shield but it was also a massive screen for Lexa, big enough for Shameer to give the signal. Because despite her fear and disapproval,Shameer never wants to let her failings drag her down. Just like how I can't let them down either. Not again. 

So the rest dragged our broken bodies and rammed into Lexa. Zoey and Joe hit her first, pushing her off Shameer through sheer force of will. Elise was next, saying goodbye to her nails in order to deliver a potent palm strike upwards. Leaving me to carry it home, as I rushed in, took a deep breath, and delivered the mother of all German suplexes.

Another mass quake rocked the armory, ripping open a hole in the floor. An excessive measure sure, but a necessary one. Because as a rattled Lexa tried to stir herself awake, she met with a fully stocked brigade ready to paint her in black. Even for someone as stubborn as her knew how slim her chances would be. A defeated sigh pursed her lips.

"And here I was hoping to take you all out. Still, can't say I'm disappointed with how hard you pushed as well," she says while relaxing her arm. You may fire when ready." 

"You don't get off that easily Alexandria, you still got some questions to answer." 


"You've been leading us around this entire game, having your team bow out early, and fighting us in the armory. All while still having some other hidden ace up your sleeve." 

"I really have outdone myself." 

"Yeah, even by your standards. Hence why I'm asking, well why? You've already lost so you might as well tell us." 

A hanging pause hung over the air, as Lexa clinically replied. 

"You. I did this because of you." 

A small blush fluttered across my face as the other Dogs looked towards me. 

"I'm flattered Lexa but I'm mar-

"Not like that James.You were never my type anyway. What I mean that out of everyone in Titan, hell out of everyone I ever meant, you were the first person to ever give me a true sense of defeat." 

My brain itched trying to recall. 

"Oh right, I remember now. You were showing me around and we disagreed on where to eat, so we did an arm wrestling match and I won." 

"Yes, you did win, and you won't believe how much that both exhilarated and frustrated me. Or how much that motivated me every waking moment to push myself further than I ever had before. I'm sure you can relate to that." 

Age old scars burned underneath my skin, like they were fresh as I replied. 

"Yeah, I kinda can." 

Lexa nodded out of sincerity before continuing. 

"Yet, despite how much our power and stature rose within Titan. As we dragged more pawns into the game we've never been able to break the tie. So I decided to rely on an edge. Someone who in their short time here has matched both of us in strength and prestige. I'm sure you know them well." 

That familiar feeling from before came back in full force. As I remember why she wished me good luck in the first place. 


Her very name alone seemed to suck out all the light in the room. Despite all my positive stories of her, Sarah's accolades across Titan might as well have made her a living legend. One we're going to have to face soon. Lexa though couldn't help but smile. 

"Yes, the Paladin. Convincing my teammates to be sacrificed in her stead wasn't easy. They all wanted to win as badly as I did. But the results definitely speak for themselves, wouldn't you agree?" 

A hundred alarms then rattled off in my head as I instantly tried raising my comm-link. 

"Jared, are you there? Can you read me!?

"I don't hear anything," Joe said. 

"That's the problem." 

Lexa then couldn't help but give a short laugh which grew louder. 

"I'm sure by now she's already set up everything she needs to take you down. Then again," she says as she yanks a hidden cord underneath her shirt "I've never been one to leave things to chance." 

The world then slowed itself to the crawl, forcing me to bear witness as an explosion of red overtook us all.