The Hunted Epilgoue

Being saddled with the Paladin for a year has often led to interesting discussions. Like if we ever slept together (yes, but not in the way you think) or if she's as mean as the stories say (also no). But one question that's always bugged me was who would win in a fight. Because even for someone as simple as me, that question is too narrow-minded. We're not baseball cards, after all; even agents at our level have off days sometimes, especially when we occupy different roles in a job as unpredictable as it is. 

Unlike Lexa, Sarah is an assassin through and through who ambushes the opponent at peak efficiency with no one else the wiser. She was far more subtle than the shootouts and standoffs I faced on the battlefield. If we were fully healed and geared up, things might be different. But in a straight-up hand-to-hand brawl, I'm afraid my friend has me beat. 

With Lexa and Zoey providing plenty of warm-up for us, we instantly clashed fists. Unlike the former, Sarah was pushed back, leading me to wind up another punch instantly, which was exactly what she wanted as the Paladin swept me at just the right angle to veer me off course and avoid it. She then pressed her offense, unleashing a series of low-spinning sweeps to catch me off guard. 

I tried countering back with my swift jabs, but they were practically useless without a steady stance to receive power. In a matter of seconds, my leaps back almost proved fatal, too, as I found myself backed up against a wall entire of still-wet red paint. Knowing I was getting nowhere, I opted instead for my legs as I unleashed a stalwart front kick. 

The one move completely broke her momentum as Sarah leaped back, barely avoiding the hit by the skin of her chinny chin chin. I almost thought I turned the tide, too, as I tried charging into her like a linebacker. I instantly got punished for a mistake as Sarah immediately used my power against me for a powerful judo throw. All those years practicing pratfalls came in clutch as I fell limp to avoid most of the blowback. 

I wasn't strictly out of the woods yet as Sarah loaded her pistol. Desperate, I relied on the only weapon I had, the very rocks beneath my body. When the muzzle flashed, Sarah's gun only claimed the air as I fired a rock of my own to disarm. Utter awe flashed across her face as I precisely aimed exactly where she'd be, much to her chagrin. 

"Hey, hey stop it! Ugh, you're so childish you know that!?" 

"You know what they say Sarah, all's fair in love and paintball!" 

My series of shots eventually pushed Sarah bad enough that she tripped on her bad leg. I almost thought I went too far again until I saw her eyeing a large stick. 

"Well if that's the case!" 

I tried disarming her again but was too slow as she immediately batted my projectile away. She then immediately put her makeshift staff to good use as she returned and deflected each stone. By the time I ran out, she had already closed the distance like a curtain as Sarah leaped up for another attack. 

I tried setting up a guard for it till I saw Sarah in mid-air switch gears to slip through my arms and kick hard enough to lower them gently. Giving her plenty of time unleashes a high-back spin kick straight to my face. Through the dizzying spots in my eyes, though, I still held on as Sarah readied another swing. 

In defiance, I caught my second wind. In one fluid motion, I promptly karate-chopped her staff and held onto her for dear life. History's greatest game of ring around the Rosie then took place as I spun her around like a shot put. Even with her bad leg, though, Sarah didn't let go as she interrupted my throw through a last-second sweep. 

At our joint torque, though, our separation sent us both crashing in opposite directions. It was against the cold, hard ground for me, but my partner wasn't as fortunate as she crashed into several barrels. In the back of my mind, I tried cooking up my future apology as I exhaustingly fumbled for my pistol. Only to realize it wasn't in my holster.

Panicked, I searched for it until I saw it in Sarah's triumphant hands. I almost thought my goose was sauteed and flambeed if I didn't see Sarah's pistol lying within reach. 

Thus, as Sarah dragged herself out of the rubble, we started switching out our respective magazines for the other. We exercised every bit of firearm knowledge as we diligently reloaded with damaged digits. Only one gunshot went off once two pivotal "clicks" went off. For a brief moment, I thought I'd hit the mark until I felt an itching sensation near my heart alongside some scarlet droplets.

Every brushstroke that Lexa and her Femme Fatales left behind then took its toll as my emblem signaled my departure from the game. Waves of weakness invaded my body like a plague as I eventually fell back, not even realizing how exhausted this entire contest had been. A looming but ever-comforting shadow belonging to Sarah then overlooked me. Her visage commanded a sense of both satisfaction and regret. 

"Looks like I've won James." 

Despite reaching the end, I couldn't help but convey my satisfaction through a sly smile. 

"Really? Because from where I'm sitting it looks like game." 

Sarah's reflexes honed completely on her backside, but she was just a tick too slow with her bad leg. Leading Sharmeen to sprout up and gun down my friend with every winning shot she could muster. The move was so sudden that I swear all of Titan held its breath even as my friend's body hit the ground. Everyone watching was just too stunned to process what happened, except the last woman standing. In real-time, I saw her disbelief turn towards elation grow expoentially through two delighted words. 

"I've won. Oh my, Al-. I'VE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 

Her words held such gravity that we couldn't help but get pulled in as the crowd bloomed. 

"YOU HEARD IT FROM THE MISS HERSELF!!! The Dogs of War have once again clawed their way to the top and make their mark in history as the victors in this year's circuit! This has been your lovely and elegant Scribe of the Pagers, and I hope you all have a lovely day! And can someone please get me a lozenge!!!"

In celebration, I hobbled towards an excited Sharmeen who tackled me straight up. 

"James. Look James. I won! Me! Can you believe it!?" 

"I always did." 

Sarah promptly upchucked a mix of blood and black bile before interjecting. 

"Damn, and here I was hoping I was going to get Brutus' that life supply of kibble. And that Alexandria would leave my ass alone." 

While brushing her face, I extended my hand out. 

"Trust me Sarah, regardless of how this game was going to go. You weren't going to get rid of us that easily."

Sarah's face conveyed a deep melancholy before tightening into a smile. 

"We'll see about that James." 

We then clasped hands and raised them towards our adoring public. In due time, the rest of our respective teams coalesced, celebrating victories and sharing tips for what will surely be another rousing game next year. After that, we all got our respective medals and giant ass trophies. Items that seemed utterly worthless in comparison to the team picture we all took together. 

It'll look great with the rest of the guys in the Artillery, and I know it'll be a memento we'll cherish on our darkest days or our last. Still, no good vibes would fix my exhaustion, so I let my teammates continue to bask in the spotlight in favor of a quick shower where I knew "who" would be waiting for me. 

"Hello Lexa." 

"Greetings James." 

Through the dimming sunlight, I saw Lexa's casual tone clash hard against the coat of crimson that glistened across her body. Like I was talking to a demon within human skin. 

"What are you doing here?" 

"Just a simple coincidence. I decided to get a hot shower until I realized I had gone into the wrong room. Then I saw you and wanted to talk." 

"Please, if I learned anything from this game, nothing is intentional when it comes to you." 

"An astute observation. Because for once in my life, even though I lost, I still feel like I've won." 

"How so?" 

'Just hear the crowd, James." 

Lexa pointed towards the rows of agents in front of us, both holographic and real, still partying in the game's aftermath. She walked towards me, basking in the cheers as she performed well. 

"When I inducted Paladin in our cause, she told me about her adventures in London, both the victories and the potent losses. It reminded me of just how serious this Hidden War has already become. And how we may not have the luxury of sitting around like this again." 

She then grabbed my hands, staining them wet with red paint with a blood-lusted look to match.

"Which is why soldiers like us, the ones who carry the sway and status over so many others, must be the symbols they need now more than ever. The pillars they can look and rise up to. Especially in these trying times. Don't you agree, Artillery?" 

Lexa's charm worked her magic on me again, forcing me to consider her intention till I revisited who brought us victory in the first place. I immediately smacked both her hands away while saying my piece. 

"I get what you're saying Lexa, really I do. I don't know what's going to happen in this war myself, but I at least know this. Anyone can do what we do, if they try hard enough. Whether we win or lose, it'll be because everyone, not just a few key players. And if you think I'm wrong, I want you to keep in mind. Who scored the final shot?" 

A flash of unearthly intensity cropped up Lexa's face for a second. Still, she kept calm and stated some parting words on my departure. 

"Maybe you are James. I guess only time will tell," she said as we left on our separate paths.