Pretending as if he didn't know actually made it difficult for Tommy to control himself. He did show his deep concern for Becca. Even Becca was starting to get suspicious of his behavior, but Becca hadn't realized that Tommy had found out about her pregnancy.

Entering the apartment, Tommy pretended to be surprised when he saw Nora sitting enjoying her tea in the dining room with Becca reading a book.


Becca looked cold even though she heard Tommy's surprised tone. She rolled her eyes and glanced at her mother who immediately stood up and hugged Tommy.

"Why didn't you let me know you were here?" asked Tommy. "And Becca, you didn't tell me either."

"In the end you two met, right?" Becca asked in return.

At that time Becca did not look at him. The only way she could disobey Tommy was not to look him in the face and eyes. Because since she was pregnant, she realized that she was getting weak when she saw Tommy's face and eyes.