"So you just got divorced?" he asked.
Surprisingly, Becca even openly revealed the secret that she had just been divorced and already had children. For some reason, she felt she could count on Josh even though they had just met.
He nodded, sipping his coffee again. "Yeah. I'm a widow with one child, a son."
"Where is your son now?"
"He's at my ex-in-law's house, with my ex-husband too."
Josh nodded. "What is your child's name?"
Again, Josh nodded. She then tried to find other topics besides children and her ex-husband. Because what attracted him from the first was Becca's beautiful face.
Becca is the same way, she is both looking for topics which she also has to ask about this strange man in front of her.
"By the way, what do you do?" Becca asked, finally.
"Well, I... I don't do anything. I don't work," Josh replied.