
"This year we will be working on non-verbal spells, can anyone tell me what that encompasses?"

Flitwick looked around for students willing to participate in the conversation and wasn't surprised when one hand shot up in the air.

"Yes, Miss Malfoy?"

"Well non-verbal spells are spells that you don't say but rather think the incantation in your mind, you need to be really concentrated and focused on your charm or else you won't be able to cast it. They can be really useful as your adversary won't know what spell you're about to cast and it will give you an advantage but a con is that often non-verbal spells aren't as powerful as verbal ones."

Flitwick smiled warmly and gave a little applause, "Wonderful Miss Malfoy, ten points to Ravenclaw!" he exclaimed, clasping his hands together and continuing on with the lesson.

Bella grinned and could almost hear the sapphires tinkling into the hourglass.

As for non-verbal spells, Bella had learned them in the fourth year so she was not at all worried about succeeding in this lesson unlike some of her peers who were looking increasingly anxious.

"Let's get to work! You will start with something simple, attempting to cast the charm, Wingardium Leviosa non-verbally!"

"Miss Malfoy!" Professor Mcgonagall called out, an angry tone in her voice, one she didn't usually use with Bella.

Bella spun around on her heel, knowing exactly what had happened and her stomach began to curl.

"Yes Professor?" she said, trying to look completely innocent, "Part of me doesn't know whether to be impressed or extremely angry that you used your incredible charm skills to jinx a fellow student!" she exclaimed stoically, a frown evident on her lined face.

"You have detention tonight and you have to go and apologise to Mr Weasley."

Bella's mouth dropped open, she had gotten detention before, lots of times in fact but today was just simple retaliation, nothing more.

"Weasley started it! He rigged the entrance to the tower so when I walked out a massive bucket of Bubotuber pus dropped on my head, it was simple retaliation Professor!"

Professor McGonagall's frown grew even deeper, "Well then he will join you in detention tonight and you will both apologise and be civil."

Rolling her eyes, Bella nodded reluctantly.

Boy, this was going to be a long night.

"Snitch," Bella snapped as soon as Professor Mcgonagall exited the room. They were marking first-years homework and it was proving to be an extremely tedious task.

"I didn't snitch," George shot back, aggressively scribbling on a test, "She found me twitching in the fucking air."

Trying to hold back her smirk Bella looked back towards the parchment, running a hand through her hair, not noticing how he gripped a little harder on the quil, his jaw tensing.

Furthering his discomfort she bit her lip slightly, still not noticing how George's eyes were glued to her mouth, an insane surge of desperate need overcoming him.

"Y'know, I have no idea why Mcgonagall asked you to mark test," Bella grinned, "Ninety percent of your corrections are completely wrong, dumbass."

That sudden attraction immediately disspeared.

George rolled his eyes, "I'm sorry I don't have a social life because I spend my life hauled up in my dorm studying," he grinned, sarcasm evident in his voice.

"Dick," she muttered, chewing on her quill as she resumed her concentration.

There it goes again, fuck she's hot. He despised her with every bone in his body, why was he so fucking attracted to her.