A gorgeous god?

Reign woke early the next morning and immediately ran up to the house. She really wanted to go to the market with Anna and Jess so she needed to go as early as possible before Linda or Isabella woke up.

She walked into the house and immediately walked to the kitchen. Anna smiled when she saw her and walked up to her.

"It's a good thing you're here" Then her eyes roamed down Reign's body and a frown appeared on her face.

"You need to have your bath and change your clothes, Reign. Do not worry, Jess and some of us were just about to have our baths in the communal bathhouse, you can come with us" Reign nodded slowly. She has never been to the communal bathhouse before, normally she was offered a bucket of water and asked to bathe outside then she would have to wear the same clothes but the clothes were too worn out now. Somehow, she was happy about going to the bathhouse.

Anna went back to the maid quarters to grab the clothes before leading Reign to the bathhouse.

Reign gasped when she saw how many women were at the bathhouse. There was hardly any space for them. Anna chuckled.

"This is how full it normally is. Do not worry, when one woman is done, you can go in. Now, strip" Reign turned to her with wide eyes as she gripped onto her clothes tighter.

"I don't know if I'm comfortable enough to do that" Although she always bathed outside, no one has ever seen her nakedness, at least no one she was aware of.

"We are all women here and we don't judge anyone by their body type and for such a beautiful girl like you, there's nothing you should be worried about '' That made Reign feel a little better but she was still very shy. She slowly took off her clothes and like Anna has said, no one even turned to look at her.

"Whoa, what I would do to look like you. You have every woman's desired body and face" Reign smiled shyly.

"Thank you, Anna" But Anna shook her head.

"Do not thank me, what are friends for?" Reign hugged her tightly.

"Still thank you" Anna chuckled.

"That's enough, what would people think if they saw two maidens hugging?" Reign chuckled as she pulled away.

Just then, two maidens got out of the bath and Anna immediately dragged her to it.

"You need to be fast when you're here so we don't have to wait for long. I still need to run a bath for ma'am Isabella" Anna helped Reign to scrub and bathe herself because everything seemed so foreign to Reign. Anna couldn't help but frown all through when she saw all the bruises on Reign's body and how thin she was. Why was that family so heartless? How could they treat someone that's their daughter's age this way?

After they had their bath, Anna helped Reign get into the gown she brought over for her. It had a corset so it really brought out Reign's figure. Anna made sure to comb through Reign's golden blond hair.

She stared into Reign's blue eyes with a smile.

"I can't wait for you to meet your prince charming so you can finally be treated like the beautiful princess you are" Reign was shocked by the sudden heartfelt words but then she smiled. She also couldn't wait to be loved.

Linda narrowed her eyes on Reign as she walked down the stairs.

"Where did you get those clothes from?" Reign bowed her head.

"The clothes I was wearing weren't wearable anymore so I had to borrow this" Linda raised an eyebrow.

"And who exactly did you borrow the clothes from?" Before Reign could come up with a lie, Hilda spoke up.

"She's going to the market with two other maids and her clothes weren't appropriate to go out in so I borrowed her some of my clothes" Linda thought over it then slowly nodded.

"I won't want people to think you're being maltreated in here, not like they would care" Then she walked away with Hilda behind her.

Reign heaved a sigh of relief as a smile appeared on her face. She was finally going outside after so many years, she couldn't wait.

Reign couldn't stop staring at everything and anything. Everyone was dressed so beautifully and we're all so beautiful. She suddenly felt like a kid going to a candy shop.

"Alright, we have a lot to buy. Reign, you'll focus on just buying the fruits because they are just behind us. Make sure they are fresh, ask the seller, Isabella only eats fresh fruits. When you're done, just wait there, okay?" Reign nodded then Anna handed her some money.

She walked excitedly to the seller and stared at all the fruits. They all looked so juicy and delicious.

"Ma'am, can I have five apples, berries and a pomegranate? They have to be fresh please" The woman smiled then nodded.

"Anything for you beautiful lady" Reign nodded then was about to hand her the money when someone bumped into her.

"Hey! Watch it!" But the person didn't answer her and just ran away. She rolled her eyes and just decided to ignore what just happened. Just when she was about to Pay did she realize that she was no longer holding money. Her eyes widened as she searched herself and the floor for the money but it was nowhere to be found.

Just then, it dawned on her. The person that had bumped into her earlier was a pickpocket. She groaned as she thought about what she was going to do. She was in so much trouble.

The seller turned to her.

"That would be five dollars" Reign scratched the back of her head.

"You see ma'am, I think someone just stole my money" The woman stared at her with pity.

"Oh dear but I cannot give you for free, I have a family I need to feed" Reign nodded.

"I completely understand" She was about to turn away when she heard a husky deep voice behind her.

"I'll pay for her" She turned to him but his face was covered with a hoodie.

"Don't worry sir, you don't have to do that, I can…."

"I'm not doing it for you, you're holding up the line" She looked behind her and saw that there were indeed a lot of people behind. She quietly thanked him and was about to grab the fruits when she tripped on a stone and fell forward on the man in front of her.

The man tried to catch her and stabilize both of them but he too ended up tripping on a stone and they both fell down the ground with Reign on top of him. Because of the force, the hoodie fell off his head and Reign gasped when her eyes connected with the most beautiful Gray eyes she had ever seen. In fact, This man was the most handsome and most beautiful being she had ever seen in her life.

Suddenly, he pushed her off him as he stood, he covered his head with the hoodie and immediately walked away. She stared after him, not being able to remove the image of his face from her head. Did she just meet a god?...