Become his strength

Reign smiled as Mirabel walked up to her.

"Princess Mirabel, it's nice to see you" Williams greeted as he bowed his head at her. She smiled at him before sitting down on a seat.

"Can I eat breakfast with you?" Reign nodded.

"Of course you can" There wasn't much on the table because Reign had eaten most of it but Mirabel didn't seem to mind.

"I thought you might be bored so I went looking for you. I went to your room but I didn't see you there"

"Ares asked me to have tea with him so I decided to eat my breakfast out here because the weather is nice" Mirabel nodded.

"It really is nice. Hey Isabella? Do you want to go somewhere with me?" Reign furrowed her eyebrows.

"Where?" Mirabel grinned.

"It's a secret. Please come with me, I mostly always go on my own and it's always boring. Can you come with me this time?" Reign looked over at Williams and he nodded.

"I'll have some guards come with you and I'll make sure to tell his highness when he comes back. You ladies go have fun" Reign smiled nodded at Mirabel.

"Let's go then" Mirabel squealed excitedly then she stood up and grabbed Reign's hand.

"Let's go"

Reign gasped as she stared at the ocean in front of her.

"Wow, I've never been near the ocean before" Mirabel turned to her with wide eyes.

"Really? This is my safe place" Reign sighed.

"Because it's peaceful?" Mirabel nodded.

"Yeah and because my mother died here" Reign gasped.

"Oh my, I didn't know"

"It's okay. Only a handful know about this. Will you sit on the ground with me? I'm sorry that your gown will get dirty" Reign shook her head.

"It's okay, I'll sit down with you" She made sure to place Ares' coat on her lap as she sat on the ground. They sat there in silence, listening to the light whistle as the wind moved across the ocean.

"The last time I saw my mother was here. She was walking into the ocean and didn't bother turning back no matter how loudly I shouted her name" Reign frowned.

"Why…. Why are you telling me this? Isn't it too personal?" Mirabel nodded.

"It is but I really need someone to talk to. Everyone at the castle has their own problem and doesn't have the shoulder to carry any other person's problem so I've never really talked about my feelings to anyone" Reign shifted closer to her and placed her hand on Mirabel's shoulder.

"I'm here to listen" Mirabel smiled then turned to the ocean as she took a deep breath.

"I don't really remember much. All I know is that this ocean gives me strength. It makes me believe that I can do anything I set my mind on and that's why I always come back here. All of us at the castle have that one thing that gives us strength. Some of us have found it while some of us are still searching for it. For example, Ares'' Reign turned to her.


"I can't say much because I too don't know the whole story and even if I did, I don't think it's my story to tell but all you need to know is that, he may seem a little hard on the outside but like me, he lost someone dear to him and hasn't been able to get himself back after that. He needs someone to be with him, listen to him, just like you're doing with me right now" Reign frowned.

"I don't think getting him to talk to me like the way you do is going to be easy" Mirabel shook her head.

"Of course it's not going to be. Ares is so used to carrying his own burden by himself. We used to be close because we kind of understood each other but not anymore. I know he needs someone by his side and as his future wife, do everything to be his source of strength" Reign smiled.

"I'll try my best" She smiled then turned back to the ocean.

"I can't wait to get married so I can finally leave that damn castle. There's nothing keeping me back there" Reign sighed. She really wanted to talk about her problems with someone but she had promised herself that she was not going to trust anyone and make the same mistake her mother made so she just smiled and listened to whatever Mirabel had to say.

It was late in the evening when they decided to leave the ocean and go back home. Reign had to admit that she had a splendid day and loved hanging out with Mirabel.

"I hope we can do this another time," Mirabel said as they got out of the carriage. Reign nodded with a smile.

"Yes, I hope so too"

"See you at Dinner then" Mirabel waved goodbye as she walked away.

Reign sighed then walked back to her room. There were so many royals in the castle but Reign hardly crossed paths with anyone. Well the castle was really big and it seemed everyone had their own wing and corner. She was at Ares' wing.

She walked into her room and immediately plopped down on the bed.

"Ughh I'm extremely tired" She murmured as she let out a yawn. She wished she didn't have to go down for dinner but it seemed it was a must.

She groaned as she stood up from the bed and began taking off her clothes. She was going to have her bath before going down for dinner because she felt a little icky because of how much she sweated.

As she pulled down her dress, she suddenly heard a knock on her door. Before she could stop him, Ares walked into his room and he immediately paused when he saw her half naked.

Reign's eyes widened as she stared at him. She raised up the gown and tried to cover herself.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think anyone was going to enter"

"Stop" She immediately froze at his soft command. His husky voice filled her ears as he stared at her with lust.

She could hear her heart race as he walked closer to her. His eyes trailed down her body then back at her face. Normally she would have been disgusted if it was anyone else but with Ares, She felt entirely different. Electricity surged through her body as he placed his big hands on her bare shoulders.

"Why are you hiding your body from me, Bella? Very soon, it will be mine".....