Tonight, we are roommates

Reign stared back at Ares in shock. She was left utterly speechless and didn't know how to react to his confession. Luckily, Ares saved her the trouble by chuckling as he walked over to her bed and sat down on it.

"But I know you're not ready yet and I'll wait till we get married to devour you. Oh and just so you know, I never slept with any maid yesterday" Reign eyes widened.

"Seriously? But she said…." Ares sighed.

"You don't have to believe me but I didn't sleep with her because she wasn't you" Reign froze. How did he expect her to react with all these words he was throwing at her?

"Erm….." Was all she managed to say. She could feel her cheeks heating up as she stared down at her feet.

"Come sit close to me, Isabella" Reign frowned then shook her head.

"I don't think it's a good idea" Ares raised an eyebrow.

"And why is that?"

"Because….. because I might make you horny again" Ares stared at her for a second then bursted out laughing. His laughter sounded that sweet melody in Reign's ears that she couldn't help but smile as she watched him.

"Even if you're standing a mile away, it won't stop me from wanting you. Come, sit" He commanded. She nodded slowly then walked over and sat down next to him on the bed.

"Is there something you wanted to talk about, Your highness?" Reign questioned as she turned to him.

"We'll be going over to your parents house tonight to finalize our marriage" Reign's eyes widened.

"We as in you and I?" Ares raised an eyebrow as he nodded.

"Of course or don't you want me to visit your home, Isabella?" Reign scratched the back of her head.

"It's not that" It's just that she was worried they wouldn't be prepared for his arrival and everything would go wrong. She couldn't let that happen, she hadn't achieved anything yet.

"Then get up early, we'll leave tomorrow morning" Ares stood up and she followed suit.

"Why do we have to leave so early?" Ares turned to her.

"I expected you to be overjoyed by the news. You get to see your parents so why do you seem like you don't want to go back there?" He narrowed his eyes suspiciously on her and she gulped.

"Oh it's not that. Of course I'm happy I get to visit them but I'm just wondering why we have to go early" She was hoping she would have the time to send them a letter informing them of their visit.

"I won't be going straight to your house, I have to stop by somewhere first so you'll go by yourself and I'll come meet you there" Reign heaved a visibly sigh of relief which made Ares raise his eyebrow suspiciously.

"Are you okay? Is something wrong?" Reign flashed him a smile and shook her head.

"No, everything is great. I'm sure you must be tired, maybe you should go to your room and take a nap?" Ares scoffed.

"Are you indirectly asking me to leave, Isabella?" Her eyes widened.

"No… no of course.. not…. I…"

"It sure did sound like you were trying to get rid of me. If that's the case then I'm not leaving" Reign's eyes widened.

"What? What do you mean?" He replied to her by walking over to her bed and plopping down on it.

"Tonight, We are roommates. Isn't that exciting?" Ares said with a sly smile on his face. Reign gasped.

"What? You want to sleep in here? I don't…. I don't think that's appropriate… I mean we aren't married yet" He rolled his eyes.

"I don't think I've cared about what's appropriate or not besides, it's better to practice sleeping together, right?" Reign gasped as she crossed her arms over her bosoms.

"I thought you said you understood that I'm not ready to sleep with you?" Ares rolled his eyes.

"Get your head out of the gutters, Isabella. I meant sleeping on the bed with you" She was about to say something when he snapped his fingers once and two men walked into the room with clothes. They handed it to her, bowed their heads before walking out of the room.

Reign stared at the door in shock before glancing at the clothes in her hand.

"What is going on?" She turned to Ares and he opened his arms with a cheeky smile on his face.

"Undress me, Fiance" Reign gasped and threw his clothes at him.

"I can't do that" Ares raised an eyebrow.

"Did you…. Did you just hit me with my own clothes? It seems you have forgotten who I am, what you did just now is considered treason" Reign eyes widened frighteningly.

"Oh My! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean…. I was just startled and I….." He sat up then grabbed the clothes and handed it back to her.

"If you don't want to be beheaded or have your limbs cut off then undress me" Reign frowned. What was wrong with him?

She sighed then took the clothes from him with a sigh.

"What… What should I do? I've never had to dress anyone but myself before" Ares stood up from the bed with a smile.

"So I'm going to be your first in everything? I'll guide you, just listen to me" Reign nodded with a gulp.

"Aren't you supposed to have your bath first?" Ares chuckled.

"Oh? Do you want to bathe me too?" Reign's eyes widened.

"No I…"

"Unbutton the waist cost" He instructed as he took off his fur coat. Reign nodded then moved closer to him and did as he had instructed.

"What next?" She looked up at him and Ares could feel his dick getting harder and harder by the second. He had wanted her to do this to see if she wanted him as much as he wanted her but it seemed his plans had backfired.

"Take off my shoes then you can take off my breaches" Reign nodded then knelt down in front of him and took off his shoes.

She kept glancing up at him through her lashes innocently but only God knew the bad things that were running through Ares' mind as she stared at him that way. He just wanted to unbutton his pants and shove his dick down her throat.

"That's enough" He muttered as he suddenly stood up and moved away from her. Reign stared at him with confusion.

"Did I do something wrong?" Ares shook his head.

"No but with the way you're looking at me, I might commit a sin that I didn't plan on committing tonight. I'll get ready in my room and come back" Then he walked out, leaving his clothes in her room.

She grabbed the clothes and wanted to hand it over to him but he was nowhere to be found in the hallway. It was like he vanished.

Reign walked back into the room with a sigh and placed the clothes on the bed. Since he was still coming to sleep here then she would hand it to him later.

"I need to change before he gets back," She sighed. Tonight was going to be the most uncomfortable night of her life….