Seducing him

"Fuck it. Ares! Get your fucking dog off me. What do you think you're doing?" James yelled as he tried to raise up his head but Julian was far stronger than him.

"My Job is to protect His highness against anything or anyone even if that's his brother" James clenched his cheek.

"I'm not his brother, I'm the future king and you have just committed treason" Ares scoffed.

"Future king? Let's wait till you actually get there before throwing the title around. Julian, don't waste your energy on him" James immediately moved back as soon as Julian let go of him. He glared furiously at both of them.

"Both of you need to be beheaded for what you have just done" Area raised an eyebrow at him.

"Aren't you a little dramatic, James? Why are you here in the first place?" James rubbed the side of his head as it began to throb.

"How dare you harm one of my guards?" Ares chuckled.

"I see my message got to you. The next time you plan on killing one of my men, make sure he dies and I don't get to find out you had a connection with him because the next time you do something this, it wouldn't only be your guards that would have their fingers chopped off" James hid his hand behind his back as soon as Ares glanced at his fingers.

"You have no idea what you've started. Do you know what I want? I want you out of my way, out of my life and I don't care how I do it. If driving you mad is the only way, so be it. Nothing is going to stop me from being king"

"His highness doesn't want to be king" Julian replied defensively while James just scoffed then he slowly turned to Ares who's expression couldn't be read by anyone.

"Oh he wants to be King, everyone wants to have power and you can't tell me otherwise. It runs in his blood actually, his mother also didn't want to be anything other than the king's wife but what happened next? she…." Ares landed a heavy blow on his cheek, the force alone pushed James to the ground. He spat out blood and a tooth before turning to Ares with a sinister smile.

"You can lie to everyone but not me. We grew up together having the same goal and you and I are the same, you might even be worse but you're just in denial just like your….."

"If you mention my mother one more time, I'll make sure to place your grave next to hers. Don't test James, since you seem to know me very well, you should also know what I'm capable of" Ares' voice was low and calm but it had enough power in it to make James gulp.

James slowly stood up from the ground.

"If you really don't want to be King then stay out of my way because I won't hesitate to crush whoever stands in my way" Then he turned around and walked away. Julian scoffed then turned to Ares.

"What was he going on about? You have always said you didn't want to be King" Ares nodded his head slowly.

"But he's also right. I did want to be king when I was younger but after what happened to my mother and watching how power overcame both my parents, I do not wish to be like them. I do not wish for my life to be as sad and meaningless like theirs" Julian breathed in as he listened to Ares' words. He didn't know what happened to Ares' mother because Ares never spoke about her with anyone but it seemed like it had something to do with his father, the King.

"You may leave now, I wish to rest" Ares muttered as he walked towards his bed and sat down. Julian was about to say something when a knock sounded at the door.

"James, I swear to God, if…." Ares began.

"It's not James. It's me, Isabella, may I come in?" She interjected. Ares turned to Julian with wide eyes.

"What do I do?" He mouthed to Julian who in turn rolled his eyes.

"Let her in of course" Julian mouthed back. Before Ares could say no, Julian shouted.

"It's open, you can come in '' Ares glared at him but his expression immediately changed as soon as he saw Isabella's head peeking out from behind the door.

"I hope I'm not disturbing you guys" Julian immediately shook his head.

"I was just about to leave, you have him all to yourself" Reign nodded as she walked into the room.

Julian winked at Ares then walked over to Reign and grabbed her hand.

"It's an honor to finally meet Ares' betrothed" He placed a kiss on her palm which made her cheeks flush slightly.

"Oh it's an honor to meet you too," Julian smiled. After some seconds, Ares walked up to them and pulled their hands apart.

"Leave, Now" He ordered Julian with a stern look. Julian flashed him a cheeky smile, Winked at Reign then immediately ran out of the room before Ares could hurt him.

"Is there a reason you're here, Isabella?" Ares asked as soon as Julian left. Reign furrowed her eyebrows.

"Can't I visit your room? You have visited mine so I thought it was only fair I visited yours" She smiled at him then walked towards his bed and sat down.

"Gosh, your room is really so big and majestic, fit for a prince like you" Ares turned to her.

"Is your room not to your liking? I can have you transferred to a bigger room but that won't be here in my hall" She smiled at him.

"No, it's okay. It's big enough for me. Are you hot? I feel like it's kind of hot in here" Ares narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

"Why are you really here, Isabella?" Reign frowned.

"I just wanted to spend time with you, is that wrong? I think this corset is suffocating me, I need to take it off" She stood up then pretended to take it off herself.

"Listen to me, Reign. The first act of Seduction is obviously physical so here's my plan. Go to his room and have him take off a piece of clothing on you then make sure he sees a part of your skin, don't make it too obvious, play it cool. Let's see if he's able to run away from you again" She recalled Jess telling her.

She took a deep breath as she slowly untied her Corset.

"Gosh, this is hard" She murmured innocently" Ares clenched his fist as he watched her.

"What… are you doing?" She turned to him with innocent eyes.

"I just need to take off my corset, I feel claustrophobic in it. Can you help me out? It will only be a minute" Ares sighed then slowly walked up to her.

Reign rejoiced quietly in her head as he held onto the Lace of the Corset and began untying it. When his head was just above her neck, she flipped her hair to the side to expose her collarbone and shoulder.

Ares visibly froze as he stared down at her. He could not only see her shoulder but her cleavage as well.

Noticing that he wasn't untying the lace anymore, Reign began to feel nervous. Was she taking it too far? She didn't know how these things worked. Was she making him uncomfortable?

"I'm sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable, I'll go back now and…." She was about to move away from him when he grabbed her shoulder and pulled her closer to him.

"Isabella? Are you trying to seduce me because I must tell you, it's working".....