Destroyed Dinner

Ares glanced around and noticed there wasn't any chair reserved for him. He scoffed but said nothing as he walked towards Reign.

"Get up" She furrowed her eyebrows but did as was told. He pulled out the chair and sat on it. Reign couldn't help but frown down at him. The king sighed then turned to Williams who stood beside him.

"Williams, get another chair for…." The king began.

"That won't be necessary" Reign shrieked out in shock as Ares pulled her down onto his lap. She tried getting up but he held onto her waist tightly.

She flashed a nervous smile at everyone before turning to him with a glare.

"What do you think you're doing, Ares?" She mouthed but he just smirked.

"Ares, you guys can continue that elsewhere. It's highly inappropriate to do that at the dining table" Diana commented. Ares turned to her with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm sorry if I gave you the impression that I care" He could swear he saw steam coming out of her nose. She was about to say something when the King placed his hands on hers then shook his head.

"That's enough Diana. Serve the food, Gertha" Gertha bowed and the food immediately started pouring in.

Reign noticed the odd looks she was getting from the unfamiliar faces and at the moment, she wished Ares hadn't come. She felt like she was under a spotlight with the way their eyes were on her.

She turned to him with a glare but he just looked uninterested.

Food was served in front of everyone and Reign really wanted to dig in but she noticed how majestic every other person at the table looked while eating and she knew she would probably look like a starving gorilla in front of them so she resisted the urge and just played around with the food so she wouldn't look disrespectful.

No one noticed this except for Ares.

"Why aren't you eating? The food is not to your liking?" As soon as he said that, every eye turned to her which made her groan inwardly.

"Of course it is but I'm not really that hungry" Ares chuckled.

"Don't be shy to eat because you're afraid someone at this table is going to judge. They are going to judge you regardless" She gasped and turned to him with wide eyes.

"Ares!" She whispered harshly. Why was he talking so rashly?

He furrowed his eyebrows at her like he was confused.

"What? I'm not lying right James? Diana?" The King sighed.

"Ares, please…." He raised up his hand in mock surrender. Everyone went back to eating including Reign. She didn't want them to think what Ares had said was true so she nibbled on the mashed potatoes on her plate.

"Ares, why aren't you eating your food?" Ares turned to the king with a scoff as soon as he asked.

"Since when do you care if I eat or starve?" The King sighed.

"Ares, I…."

"Well.." Ares interjected "I'm afraid I'd get poisoned so I'm going to pass on dinner. I'm sure everyone remembers I almost died from food poisoning when I was nine right?" Diana turned to him with a glare as she clenched her fist.

"Are you trying to insinuate that one of us here at the table would try to poison you?" Ares feigned innocence.

"I don't remember saying that but I guess if the shoe fits you then be my guest" Diana stood up from her seat as she banged her fist on the table.

"You insolent child, how dare you say that to me?" The King tried to get her to calm down but she wasn't having it.

"I'm leaving, my appetite was already ruined the moment he walked into this room" She muttered before walking away.

James glared at Ares then stood up and followed his mother out.

"Ares, can't we just sit down and eat like a normal family?" The King yelled in anger. Ares raised an eyebrow at him then turned to Reign.

"Can you stand up, Isabella?" She immediately stood up and moved away from him.

He stood up slowly without breaking eye contact with the King.

"Our family is anything but normal and every fucking person here knows that. Next time when you're having your little Family Dinner, do not bother to invite me or my betrothed" He grabbed Reign's hand and before she could protest, dragged her out of the room.

When Reign noticed they were far away from everyone, she yanked her hand out of his grip. He turned to her with a furrowed eyebrow.

"What's wrong?" She glared at him. She was extremely angry at his behavior towards his family. She wished she had a family while he was here practically driving them away.

"What you did in there was wrong. You basically ruined everyone's dinner and night with your rash attitude" He stared at her for a while then his eyes suddenly turned cold which Surprised and frightened Reign a little.

"You don't know anything about my family and I can assure you, I did everyone a favor" She frowned.

"Still, you were rude to your stepm…."

"She's nothing to me and you know nothing so who are you to judge my actions?" She pursed her lips. She then suddenly grabbed his arm and stared into his eyes.

"Then make me understand so I can see from your point of view" She murmured to him. He stared into her eyes for a while then yanked his arm out of her grip.

"No one ever understands and I always end up looking like the bad guy" He muttered before walking away. She wanted to walk up to him to ask him what he meant by that sentence but she felt like he needed space.

"He's right, you know" She turned around and saw Reynolds standing behind her with a tired look on his face.

She bowed her head at him respectfully.

"Your highness" She greeted and he immediately waved it off.

"I thought I told you to call me Reynolds, I don't like being addressed as a prince by any family member" Reign didn't understand but nodded anyway.

"Erm… What do you mean by Ares was right?" She went straight to the point. If Ares didn't want to tell her then maybe Reynolds will.

"He really did us a favor because none of us really want to be in the same room with each other. We are not that kind of family but the King… my father always tries to bring us together" Reign furrowed her eyebrows.

"I don't understand," He smiled.

"I don't expect you to. Regardless of how well all of us keep our secrets, you are bound to find out as long as you live in the palace and maybe then you'll learn to sympathize with Ares, I know I do. He's had it worse than any of us" Before she could ask him what he meant by that, he turned around and immediately walked away leaving Reign even more confused than before…..