Where's Ares

"That Insolent child! How dare he talk to the King like that?" Diana fumed.

"But mother, I think he has a point. Not the part where he insulted Father but with Fake Isabella. How could she steal their daughter's identity and they let her leave the house? It doesn't add up. What could she possibly have against them?" Diana glared at him.

"Do you think so too?" The King asked in a low voice.

"James doesn't know what he's saying, he's just an idiot. Ares has been blinded and deceived by that wretch and that's why he's not seeing what's right in front of him. Don't worry, give me the power and I'll bring out the truth from that girl" James rolled his eyes but didn't say anything.

"Can you really do that?" The King questioned. Diana placed her hand on his shoulder with a smile.

"You know your interest is the only thing I care about. While Ares is searching for whatever truth he believes in, I'll drain out the truth from her. Just say the word" The King stared at her for a while then nodded.

"Alright, you can take care of it" Diana smirked then turned to James.

"Let's go James" James followed behind her.

"What are you planning, mother?" James questioned as soon as they were far away from the throne room.

"Nothing, I just want to test out a theory and if I'm right, I might have just figured out a way to get rid of Ares once and for all"

Reign stood up from the dirty dungeon ground as soon as she saw Anna and Jess.

"Reign!" They called out as they held her hand through the wooden bar.

"What's going on? I don't understand anything" Reign told them as her lips quivered.

"Diana and that witch Isabella decided to lie against you. I heard it was Sir Jacob who came to tell the King that you had stolen his daughter's identity just so you could marry the prince" Reign furrowed her eyebrows.

"But that's not true" Anna and Jess nodded.

"We know that but who would listen to two maids? Apparently everyone back at the house testified to you threatening them to give you Isabella's identity" Reign's eyes widened.

"Including Ma'am Hilda?" Anna sighed.

"I don't know but I heard almost everyone testified. I can't believe they would do this" Jess scoffed.

"I can. I'm sure Madam Diana must have threatened their families so they would agree. They are so vile!" Reign sighed.

"Does…. Does Ares know?" Reign asked in a whisper. Jess nodded slowly.

"I told him earlier" Reign frowned.

"Did he look angry or disappointed at me? What did he say?"

"He was angry but I don't think it was at you, it was at the king for arresting you" Reign eyes gleamed with hope.

"So is he coming for me? Is he going to get me out of here?" Jess nodded.

"I think he is," Reign frowned.

"You think?" Jess glanced at Anna before turning back to Reign.

"I can't tell for sure. All I remember is him running into the castle" Anna sighed.

"Maybe the King was able to change his mind about you. If he was going to save you, he should be here by now" Reign's frown deepened as she glanced at the entrance of the Dungeon but there was no sign of him.

"What if he hates me now? What's going to happen to me?" Anna sighed.

"Don't worry, you'll get out of here even if we have to break you out. Just wait, okay?" Reign shook her head.

"I don't want either of you getting in trouble because of me. If this is my fate then don't meddle, alright?" Before they could reply, The guards walked up to them.

"Time is up, you have to leave" Anna and Jess sighed as they followed the guards out of the dungeon.

"We have to do something to get her out of there, Jess," Anna muttered as they walked away.

"But what can we possibly do? We have no power whatsoever" Anna groaned.

"Maybe we can talk to the King and tell him the truth from our side" Jess sighed.

"I don't think we can change his mind, Anna. Besides, I believe His highness is going to help her out. He looked really distressed when I told him what had happened to Reign"

"Well, I hope you're right"

Reign had almost fallen asleep when she heard footsteps coming her way. She immediately opened her eyes.

"Ares?" She called out as she stood up from the ground. To her dismay, Reynolds and Mirabel came into view.

"You don't have to look so disappointed, you know?" Mirabel said with a giggle. Reign's cheeks immediately turned red then she immediately bowed her head as they stood in front of her cell.

"Your highnesses" Since they both knew she wasn't of noble blood but was indeed a maid, it wasn't appropriate for her to call them by their names anymore.

"Haven't I told you to stop calling me that?" Reynolds commented then flashed her a smile.

"Me too, you know. Aren't we friends?" Mirabel questioned. Reign stared up at them with wide eyes. Weren't they angry that she lied to them?

"But… But I lied to you guys about my identity" Mirabel waved it off.

"I'm sure you had your reasons for that and besides, I've already told you my story so it's either I forgive you or kill you" Reign's eyes widened. Seeing her reaction, Mirabel bursted out laughing.

"Relax, I'm just joking. I see you as a friend and I believe your behavior towards me was genuine" Reynolds nodded.

"Me too. You're a nice person" Reign smiled happily at both of them. She didn't expect anyone would still be by her side when the truth came out.

"So may I ask what's your real name?" Reynolds questioned.

"My name is Reign"

"Reign" He repeated the name on his lips then smiled.

"Tell us everything and why you came as Isabella" Reign sighed then told them everything excluding the real reason why she agreed to marry Ares in the first place.

Reynolds and Mirabel nodded.

"Don't worry. We'll talk to father for you and get you out of here" Mirabel assured her. Reign smiled then frowned when she glanced at the entrance again but still no sign of Ares.

"Are you waiting for Ares?" She turned to Reynolds as soon as he asked that. She nodded slowly.

"I think he may be mad at me" Reynolds stared at her for a while then smiled.

"Don't worry, he can't be mad at you. He'll come for you, I believe he will".....