Reign doesn't like it

        Reign walked into her room to find Ares sitting down on her bed, flipping through a book. She furrowed her eyebrows as she stared at him.

        "It seems you regard this room as yours now" Reign murmured as she closed the door behind her. Ares grinned as he placed the book on the bed and stood up.

        "Technically, it is. Where did you go this morning?" She tilted her head at him.

        "I should be asking you the same question. You were gone before I woke up" She walked past him and sat down on a chair.

        "I had to go get ready for the day and I didn't think you would like to see me butt naked in your room" Reign's cheek immediately turned pink.

        "Oh. But…. You've never been in such a hurry before. Do you have somewhere you need to be?" Ares nodded.

        "Charlotte begged me to have Breakfast with her and after that, I need to be somewhere with Julian" Reign abruptly turned to him.