Leave Ares

        Anna stared back at Julian with confusion written all over her face.

        "What… What dinner? Why would you invite an ordinary maid like me for dinner, My Lord?" Julian tilted his head at her.

        "I don't care if you're a maid, I just want to spend time with you" The first time he had laid eyes on Anna, he had been instantly mesmerized by her beauty and had been trying to get her attention ever since then but it was like she didn't notice his existence at all.

        "Why?" She didn't understand why a handsome man like him would want to spend time with her when he could spend time with any other lady, especially Jess.

        "Why? Can't I get to know you? Since Reign and Ares are pretty close, we are going to see each other often so isn't it better we get to know each other?" Her eyes suddenly widened like she finally understood something. Did he… did he like her? That was bad! What about Jess?