Give him a chance

 Reign stared at her with wide eyes.

 "Seriously? How do you know that?" Anna sighed as she pulled out a chair and sat down.

 "He came here to ask me to have Dinner with him one day and said he wanted to get to know me" Reign placed her over mouth in shock. Of course Anna was beautiful but she had never expected Julian would ask her out.

 "That's great, isn't it?" Anna shook her head which made Reign furrow her eyebrows.

 "It's not, I don't want him to like me" Reign was confused now.

 "Oh? You don't like him back?" Anna shrugged.

 "I don't know, I don't know him yet to know if I like him or not" Reign nodded.

 "So get to know him first, weren't you the one that said I should get to know Ares first before judging?" Reign murmured with a smile which made Anna sigh.

 "Yeah but this is different. Jess likes Julian" Reign eyes widened.

 "Oh my! Does she know?" Anna shook her head.