Diana's scheme

 Reign yawned and was about to roll over when she remembered Ares was laying down on her stomach. She opened her eyes and was surprised to see he was laying next to her and was also awake.

 "You didn't leave?" He smiled then shook his head.

 "I said we were going to spend today together, didn't I?" She smiled then sat up straight.

 "I'll go wash up really quickly" Ares nodded.

 "Same" As soon as walked away, Ares stood up from the bed then opened the door and found Anna standing at the other side with Jess.

 They both immediately bowed their head.

 "Your highness" Ares nodded at them then walked away. 

 They both walked into the room and closed the door behind them. Anna let out the breath she didn't know she was holding.

 She had thought he was going to talk about Julian with her.

 "Let's pick out Reign's clothes for today" Anna muttered to Jess before walking towards Anna's Closet.