She looks like Josephine

          Julian furrowed his eyebrows as he stared at Jess.

        "What?" Jess fidgeted as she stared at him.

        "I like you," Julian sighed.

        "Look Jess, I don't mean to hurt your feelings but I like someone else" Jess' face immediately fell. She frowned.

        "Oh… who is she if I may ask?" Luckily, Anna appeared at that moment and her eyes widened when they both turned to her. Julian smiled at her but she ignored him and walked towards Jess.

        "What are you doing here? I think I heard you being called outside" Jess glanced at Julian again then nodded as her shoulders sagged.

        "I'll go then" Anna smiled at her then watched as she walked away before turning to Julian with a glare.

        "I came looking for you" Anna ran her fingers through her hair.

        "We can't work, Julian. I know Jess just confessed her feelings to you and that's why I can't be with you" Julian frowned.