Reynolds' threat

  Charlotte cleared her throat.

  "Oh I was just telling Reign to get well soon" Reynolds narrowed his eyes at her suspiciously.

  "But doesn't it benefit you if Reign dies? Why are you telling her to get better?" Charlotte frowned.

  "Are you trying to imply something, Reynolds? Because I won't stand here and watch you accuse me of anything" Reynolds chuckled with no humor in it.

  "When did I accuse you of anything, Charlotte?" Charlotte tried to say something but didn't know what to say so she just huffed.

  "I can see I'm not welcome here, I'll just leave" Just as she took a step forward, Ares walked into the room deep in thought. He furrowed his eyebrows with confusion the moment he saw Charlotte. He had honestly forgotten she was still staying at the Castle.

  "What are you doing here Charlotte?" He questioned as he closed the door behind him. Charlotte slowly walked closer to him with a smile.