She's awake!

  Charlotte sighed as she stood in front of Reynolds' room.

  "You can leave now" Charlotte told the maid who nodded then immediately walked away. As soon as Charlotte saw she was gone, she opened the door slowly and walked in.

  Reynolds furrowed his eyebrows as soon as he saw her. He dropped the book he was reading on the table then stood up.

  "What are you doing here?" He questioned as he folded his arm.

  "Ares asked me to watch over Reign while he's busy with her assaulter" Reynolds scoffed.

  "Why would he do that while I'm here?" Charlotte shrugged.

  "I don't know, go ask him. Do you think I want to be here? I think he wants me to get along with her or something" Reynolds rolled his eyes. Did she really think he was that stupid? He was going to play her game with her then.

  "I'll go ask him then" Charlotte pointed at the door.