Be my woman

  Charlotte stared at them with furrowed eyebrows then she suddenly let out a laugh.

  "You have got to be joking. Do you really think I'm going to let that filt touch me?" Charlotte which made Julian frown.

  "Watch what you say" Before he could move any further, Ares stopped him.

  "Close the door, Julian. We don't want anyone barging in here" Julian's eyes widened slightly then he immediately closed the door.

  Ares turned to Anna who was visibly burning with rage but was trying to hold it all in.

  "Do not hold your anger in, Anna. I want you to let it all out on her" Anna's eyes widened slightly.

  "You're…. You're serious?" She questioned.

  "I don't think I look like I'm joking. If you really want to get revenge for Reign then I suggest you give it your all and don't hold back" Anna stared at him for a while then nodded before turning to Charlotte who seemed to have turned as pale as a ghost.