I love you

  Ares smiled as he pinched Reign's cheek slightly.

  "How did you figure that out just now?" Reign's eyes widened.

  "So I'm right? She's the one that wanted me dead, isn't she? I really thought if I told you I thought it was her, you weren't going to believe me" Ares immediately frowned. He sighed then grabbed a hold of her hand.

  "I'm sorry for Everything, Reign. I'm sorry that I didn't believe you when you said Charlotte was the one coming after you. I guess I was just so blinded by…."

  "By love?" Reign interjected and the sadness in her voice broke his heart. He had sworn he was never going to make her sad again.

  "Can you both leave? I want to talk to Reign alone" Anna really didn't want to go but she knew Reign and Ares had to have the talk so she followed Reynolds out of the room.