Ride into the night

  Anna smiled at him.

  "Don't get too excited. I might not be allowed to leave" Julian raised an eyebrow.

  "Do you know who I am? The only person in this kingdom that can tell me no is Ares... and you" Anna nodded slowly then smiled.

  "Okay then let's go convince the chief of maids to let me go" She grabbed his hand as she led him to the maid's quarters.

  "Anna, where have you… My Lord" One of Anna's friends, Caroline uttered with wide eyes then bowed her head at Julian.

  "Is Madam Ruth looking for me?" The girl nodded.

  "She's pretty mad" Anna sighed then watched as Caroline walked away before turning to Julian.

  "I'm afraid she won't let me leave. Ever since Jess stopped coming back to the maid's quarters and has been exempted from working, Madam Ruth has been extra unkind to me" Julian frowned.

  "You should have told me earlier and I would have cautioned her" Anna shook her head.