Anna's jealous

  Reign giggled.

  "What are you trying to say?" Ares caressed her cheek.

  "I just didn't expect that," Reign giggled.

  "Me too. I think the hit to my head did me good" Ares chuckled then slowly sat up.

  "You're right, I need to carefully think about this. Thank you, my love" He placed a kiss on her cheeks then climbed out of the bed.

  "I've got to go now, I'll see you later Tonight or tomorrow" Reign frowned as she sat up.

  "Are you going somewhere?" Ares nodded.

  "Yeah but I'll make sure I come back today because of you but if I don't, then I'll be here tomorrow morning" Reign's frown deepened. So she was going to spend the rest of the day without him? 

  "Can I at least know where you're going?" Ares sighed.

  "You don't need to worry about that. I'll be back soon, I promise" Reign got out of bed then ran up to him to place a kiss on his lips.

  "Be careful," She murmured, which made him smile.