You're not better

  Reign abruptly sat up as soon as she heard the door open. 

  "Oh? I thought you were Ares" Jess chuckled as she closed the door behind her and walked towards the bed.

  "You don't have to sound so disappointed" Reign sighed.

  "I'm not, I just thought he was coming back. So how have you been? We hardly see you around these days" Reign uttered.

  "Well I've been in James' room, we just spent the last two days with each other" Reign smiled at her.

  "I'm happy things are going well between both of you. Does he treat you right?" Jess pursed her lips.

  "He treats me okay. When I'm with him, I don't feel like I'm a maid. Although, he's not very vocal about his feelings and hides his emotions from me but we are still just getting to know each other so hopefully, he'll open up to me with time" Reign nodded.

  "He will. Ares used to hide his emotions from me too, just let him know you're there if he's ready to talk" Jess nodded.