Ruined plans

  Ares turned away from Diana like he couldn't care less if she was here although he had a thought or two about why she was here.

  "Your Majesties" Diana bowed down at head towards Michael and Rachel. Since she wasn't named a Queen, Rachel was still above her.

  "Diana? What are you doing here?" Rachel questioned curiously.

  "Why is Ares here? I thought you both blamed him for your daughter's death? But seeing you all together, it seems you don't anymore" To others, it sounded like she was just pointing out the obvious but to Ares, he could hear the Panic in her voice which made him smirk.

  "Well I've solved that problem so we're on good terms now. I'm done eating so if you'll excuse me, Julian and I will be going back home" Ares uttered as he stood up from his chair and Julian followed suit.

  "Thank you for the delicious breakfast, your majesties" Julian said politely and they both smiled at him.