I'll always be there

  "I didn't really do anything while you were gone, I mostly just laid in bed all day because Reynolds said I had to," Reign muttered as they walked back to her room.

  Ares furrowed her hair slightly.

  "And he's right. I told you not to stress yourself while I was gone" Ares murmured.

  "And I didn't. I felt fine when I wanted to take a walk out last night but Reynolds stopped me. It gets a little depressing being in that room all by myself" Ares furrowed his eyebrows.

  "Why were you alone? I asked Anna and Jess to stay with you" Reign's eyes turned serious as she suddenly remembered something.

  "I think your father has decided to give the crown to James" Ares' eyes widened slightly as he paused in his steps.

  "What?" Reign nodded.

  "The Castle is being cleaned and arranged for the coronation that's going to take place within this week and…. You didn't accept the crown yet, didn't you?" Ares shook his head.