Like your father

  Reynolds froze.

  "What are you talking about?" Ares let out a humorless laugh. 

  "Don't act dumb now. You killed her because she hurt Reign? Did I ask you to take revenge for my future wife?" Reynolds rolled his eyes.

  "It's not that big of a deal and I didn't only kill her because of Reign '' Ares raised an eyebrow.

  "So you admit it? I really wanted to get wrong, Reynolds" 

  "Well you were not and I did kill her. She's a menace to the world and she needed to be eliminated because I swear to you, she would have caused more harm than good if she were alive" Ares glared at him.

  "Killing her wasn't the way to stop her!"

  "Then what other way was there?!" Ares was taken aback by Reynolds' yell.