I want to know

  "Who does she think she is to talk to you like that?" Jess fumed as soon as they got to James' room. He sighed as he walked over to his bed.

  "Just forget about it, Jess. I shouldn't have gone there in the first place" She frowned then walked over to him and grabbed his hand.

  "You wanted to see your brother. Neither Anna nor Julian have the right to stop you, we shouldn't have gone back" James ran his finger through his hair.

  "But Anna is right, Jess. My mother is doing all these things so that I can become King. At first, I didn't care, I never cared in the past because I saw Ares as just a rival and not a brother but ever since you ...." He wanted to tell her that she was the one who made him start feeling again. He thought he had shut off all his emotions after everything his mother had put him through to get where they were now but the little maid in front of him somehow opened the door to the emotions he didn't even remember he could feel.