Giving you a reason

  Reign turned to Anna with a smile.

  "I really don't want to disturb you on this but can you get food for Ares and I?" Anna nodded with a smile.

  "Would you stop talking to me like that? You'll be getting married to a king soon" Reign frowned. She Briefly glanced at Ares and saw that he was trying so hard no to react but his eyes failed him. There was evident confliction in his eyes.

  She gave Anna a brief smile then watched her as she walked away before turning to Ares and Julian.

  "You haven't made up your mind if you want to be King or not?" Julian questioned with a raised eyebrow.

  "He made his decision to be King before but after what happened….." She trailed off. Since Ares didn't seem like he was going to answer Julian's question, she answered for him.

  "Oh" Julian simply said.