Follow my lead

  After saying that, Ares walked out of the throne room with Reign beside him.

  "What if your plan doesn't work and the people really decide to side with Diana for real?" Ares turned to Reign with a smile.

  "I doubt that would happen but if they do then we'll just have to accept it" Reign sighed.

  "What did she say to you when she whispered into your ear?" Ares pursed his lips. He knew if he told Reign the truth, she'll just be worried about him and she didn't need to be.

  "She just said James was going to be King and I had to deal with it" Reign nodded slowly then sighed.

  "I can't wait for the final verdict. The wait is excruciating" Ares turned to her with a raised eyebrow.

  "How do you know such a big word?" Reign gasped as she stared at Ares with wide eyes.

  "You…. I always knew you thought I was stupid" Ares chuckled then ruffled her hair before peppering her face with kisses.