I'll change

  Everyone gasped after hearing what James said. Diana immediately jumped up from her seat as she stared at James with wide eyes.

  "What do you think you're doing, James?!" She yelled. He ignored her and turned to the Minister.

  "I forfeit the throne and that means Ares will be King, isn't it?" The Minister nodded with a frown.

  "Yes, that's correct"'James smiled then turned to Ares and outstretched his hand.

  "Congratulations" Ares smirked as he changed his hand.

  "Thank you" Everyone was still shocked by what just happened, especially those from the palace because they knew the eternal war that had been going on because of the throne and James just gave it away?

  "So that means prince Ares is going to be King?" Someone shouted from the crowd. The minister turned to the crowd then nodded.

  "Yes, Ares will be the Next King of our Kingdom!" He announced. Everyone immediately began clapping and rejoicing which made Ares smile.