Devour you Tonight

  Standing in front of her was Ares wearing the King's attire and he looked so handsome in it and majestical. She never thought he could get more handsome but he just proved her wrong.

  "What's all…. What's all this?" Reign asked in a whisper as she stared at Ares with wide eyes..he smiled at her then outstretched his hand.

  "Come" Reign slowly took his hand then gasped when he pulled her towards him till their bodies were touching.

  "What's…. What's going on, Ares?" She questioned as she stared into his eyes.

  "I just have to say, you look beautiful, Reign. When I saw you from afar, I had to resist rushing up to you and smashing my lips against yours and trust me, it was a struggle. You're damn beautiful, Reign and I'm so happy I'll get to start calling you my wife in a few hours" Reign smiled happily at him then she suddenly gasped as she remembered something.