Torn between right and wrong

  Reign stared at him with wide eyes then began shaking her head frantically.

  "Ares is alive, I know it! So you can't tell me that because I believe he's alive!" James sighed then grabbed Reign's hand through the iron bars.

  "I really do hope Ares is alive, Reign and I'm hoping Julian will be able to find him but right now, I just want you to be prepared for any type of news" Reign shook her head as her eyes shone with faith and hope.

  "I can still feel him and Ares would never leave me here alone, he won't do that" James smiled lightly at her then nodded.

  "I'm happy you feel that way and I'll have the same faith as you but if Ares is alive, he would have me skinned alive if I left you in here for the night" Reign took a deep breath then nodded.

  "Then get me out of here" James nodded.