Her sister

  James heaved a sigh of relief as he suddenly felt lighter. Finally accepting that his mother was dead felt like a burden had suddenly been lifted off his chest.

  "Are you okay now?" Jess murmured as she caressed his hair. He nodded then raised his head off her shoulder then smiled at her.

  "I don't know what I'd do without you, Jess" Jess wrapped her arms around him and placed a kiss on his chin.

  "Neither do I. Let's head back so we can leave early and you can finally get to bury your mother" James took a deep breath.

  "What if Ares has already buried her?" Jess didn't know if she should be happy to see James so vulnerable because he always seemed so closed off.

  "I believe Ares won't at least close the grave till you have arrived. Let's just hope the body hasn't rotted already" James sighed.

  "Let's stop talking about it for now. Have you eaten?" Jess nodded with a smile on her face.