You can't leave me

  Reign turned to glare at Winter.

  "You better hope nothing happens because I'll kill you myself" Winter bowed her head at Reign then glanced down at Ares who was still groaning in pain.

  "I know a technique that can help reduce the pain" Winter murmured as she walked over to the bed but before she could touch Ares, Reign grabbed her hand.

  "Haven't you done enough damage already?" Reign muttered. Winter was about to reply but Reynolds beat her to it.

  "Let her do what she wants to do, Reign" Reign turned to Reynolds with wide eyes.

  "But Reynolds…."

  "If you can't trust her, then trust me. I know the method she used although she shouldn't have acted on her own without consulting us, she does mean well" Reign frowned then turned to Ares. She wiped away the sweat on his face and forehead while tears fell down her cheeks.

  Ares slowly turned to her, raised his shaky hand and wiped away her tears with his fingers.