The whole story

  After what Josephine said, even if she said it playfully, Ares refused to leave Reign's side. 

  Reign had even asked him to go rest because she wasn't sure if he really was alright but Ares refused and sat beside her as they all settled down in the lounging area in the castle.

  Even Reynolds and Mirabel had come down to the lounging area after hearing the news. News like that spread like wildfire in the castle.

  "So Josephine, what really happened to you?" Ares questioned as they all sat down, staring at Josephine. She smiled at Reign then turned to Ares.

  "I don't know if you all know this but Linda is my sister" Anna and Jess gasped in shock. They both turned to Reign and saw that she didn't seem to be shocked by the revelation.

  "You already knew?" Anna questioned as they stared at Reign. Reign nodded slowly then let out a sigh.

  "Ma'am Hilda told me before I came to the castle," Josephine smiled slightly.