What Is going on?

  Reign stared at her mother in shock. How can Isabella be her daughter?

  She turned to Steven but he also seemed confused and shocked by everything.

  Reign then grabbed Josephine's hand forcefully.

  "What's wrong, mother? It's me, Reign, your daughter" Josephine struggled against her hold then roughly pushed Reign to the ground.

  Reign fell to the ground with a loud groan and Immediately Ares heard her, he ran out of the room to see what was going on. When he found Reign on the ground, he rushed up to her and held in his arms before turning to Josephine with Furrowed eyebrows.

  "What the hell is going on here?" Josephine turned to him then pointed her finger at Reign.

  "I want to have this girl's head immediately" Everyone gasped and Reign stared at her mother in shock.

  "What?" She asked in a small voice and Ares immediately hugged her closer before turning to Josephine with a glare.