The orb

  Julian couldn't believe what he just heard. She was trying to give the birth right of her sister's daughter to her daughter? What kind of monster was she?

  They had already robbed Reign of her childhood with her parents and made her suffer then they took away the things her mother left behind and now they want to take away her birth right?

  Julian moved towards Linda, his eyes unfeeling.

  "You are getting on my nerves, Linda and I can assure you, you won't be getting out of this alive. Even if Ares doesn't do anything to you, Reign and her mother will. You have stepped on Reign's back fir way too long as she's not as soft as she once was" Linda paused her lips then smiled.

  "As long as my daughter gets to live a happy life, I don't mind dying. If you think I'm going to tell you how to remove the spell placed on her then you're sorely mistaking" Julian straightened up then tilted his head at her.