Find proof

  As Reynolds walked away with Winter behind him, Ares turned to Reign with a smile and placed a kiss on her lips As he let her down from his arm.

  "Have you been waiting out here for long, my love?" She shook her head then pouted.

  "What took you so long to get back and this morning, you didn't even kiss me goodbye" He chuckled.

  "I did but you were asleep. Tell you what, tomorrow before I leave, I'll wake you and kiss you on the lips. Okay?" Reign smiled as she nodded then she rested her head on his chest.

  "So? Was there any progress? Did you find clues to the killers?" Ares sighed then nodded.

  "I think I know one of the Killers but I have to make sure first before I put my plan into action" Reign nodded then glanced up at him.

  "I hope you catch them soon so you'll be able to rest" He sighed inwardly. After he was done with the killers, he had to take care of those plotting treason against him and his Kingdom.