Are they connected?

  Julian's eyes widened then he turned to Ares but before he could say anything, Ares smiled then turned to James.

  "Can you take Reign back in? I need to talk to Julian for a while" Reign furrowed her eyebrows.

  "Is something wrong with the bracelet? Tell me" Ares shook his head and kissed her forehead.

  "Nothing is wrong. Just go in, I'll be right there later" James frowned then grabbed Ares' shoulder.

  "I will take her in but I'll be right back and both of you will explain what is going on" Then he turned to Reign.

  "Let's go in" Reign didn't want to go because she sensed that this Bracelet meant something but she could see that Ares wasn't going to say anything with her around.

  As they walked away, Julian turned to Ares.

  "Does that mean Reynolds had something to do with Regina's death?" Ares sighed then dragged his hand across his face.

  "If he does then this is all my fault" Julian furrowed his eyebrows.