Castle's basement

  Ares stared at Reign like she had grown a second pair of heads.

  "What the fuck are you talking about, Reign?" She sighed.

  "Listen. If I'm used as bait then we can catch Reynolds and he'll eventually lead us to Mirabel and we can capture them both" Ares shook his head.

  "Over my dead body, Reign"

  "But she does have a point. She can be able to lure Reynolds out" James uttered which made Ares glared at him.

  "Don't fucking be a hypocrite, you would never let Jess do this" James pursed his lips then slowly nodded. 

  "But Ares. This is the only option we have and…"

  "How is it the only option? If we search around for them, we're bound to catch them one day, Reign. I don't need you to be involved in this"

  "Well I've been involved from the start and I feel like this is the only thing I can do for those women that died because of me" Ares scoffed.