Be the hero

  As soon as the King laid his eyes on Winter, he frowned.

  "What are you doing here and who let you into my Kingdom and Castle? Guards!" Edwards immediately jumped out from behind her and bowed his head.

  "It is I, your Majesty. She said she had something to discuss with you on King Ares' orders" The King scoffed.

  "Is that supposed to mean anything to me? Because she's here on Ares' orders makes it even worse. You left your Kingdom and moved to Athena with the first chance you got" Winter shrugged.

  "Athena is a better Kingdom and you and I both know that's true" The King gasped when Edward's eyes widened as he stared at Winter. Was she trying to get herself killed?

  "How dare you come into my Castle and utter such words?" She rolled her eyes.

  "I don't have time to argue with you, King Philip. You and I both have an understanding, right?" Philip snorted.