be grateful

 Before Ares could lunge at Reynolds, a bullet flew right past him and shit through Reynold's skull.

 Reynold's eyes were wide as he fell to the ground, laying on his own blood beside Reign.

 "I'm sorry, I just had… I had to avenge Anna" Ares didn't bother replying to Julian and he rushed forward to gather Reign in his arms.

 "My love? Talk to me. Please open your eyes" He murmured as he tapped her cheek but she wasn't waking up nor was she moving.

 He placed his ear on her chest and his eyes widened when he heard her heartbeat.

 "She's hardly breathing properly but I can't still hear her faint heartbeat. Bring the carriage here, hurry" Julian nodded then immediately ran off when I stood up with Reign in my arms as I ran behind him.

 "Wake up, my love. Please don't do this to me" He muttered while staring at her face as he ran but still, there wasn't any sign of her waking up.